Chapter 5

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I wake up the next morning carefully removing Lans arm around my waist, it is around half past 5, so I try my best not to wake him up just yet. After successfully removing myself from him I head towards my bathroom to take a shower before school starts. When Im done with my usual morning routine, I wrap a white towel around my body and head back into my room, to see Lan sitting up against the headboard looking at the ceiling. You okay? I ask as I walk towards my closet to select my clothes for the day. Yeah, he just doesnt understand where Im coming from. He doesnt even give me a chance to explain myself before he blows up and starts yelling. Its just frustrating. Lan answers with a tired look on his face. Lan has wanted to join the military for as long as I can remember. I think at first everybody thought he was cute, this 10-year-old boy so set on following in his grandfathers footsteps. But as we got older, Lan never once changed his mind. We are in our senior year of high school now, and Lans dad does not approve about his choices to join the military as soon as he graduates, so they have been fighting more and more. He is just scared for you Lan, we all are. I understand this is something you have been wanting to do for the longest time, but it is starting to feel a lot more real, and I think your dad covers the fact that he is scared shitless by fighting you on it, every step of the way. Just talk to him Lan, without fighting, make him understand how much this means to you. Landon sighs before standing up and pulling me into a hug. Ill talk to him tonight, I promise. Im going to go shower, and as much as I enjoy the view, you should probably put on some clothes. He replies with a wink and walks into the shower. Landon and I were each others firsts when we were sixteen, everyone was doing it and we wanted to do it with someone who wont turn into regret. Since then weve hooked-up a few times over the years, but it never turned into anything more. We love each other but weve never fallen in love, despite Jennys wishes. I roll my eyes before moving into my closet trying to find something for the day. Since its quite warm still, I settle on a light brown, high waisted flowing skirt, a tight black V-neck tee with a pair of black sandals. When Lan finishes in the bathroom I head inside to do my hair, while he goes into one of my drawers where some of his clothes are. I blow dry my hair and create two French braids going down my back, after making sure my bangs cover the blue bruise on my forehead, I head downstairs to find Lan already making breakfast while talking to Mark. Morning I say as I make my way over to pour Lan some coffee, I like coffee, I really do, but I think in my 17 years of life, I have only managed to finish like five cups. I always drink the first few sips, then completely discard the rest which irritates everyone around me. So instead, I pour a bigger cup for Lan, and just take the first few sips of his coffee. He likes his coffee when it cooled down a bit, so the system works. Morning Ray, what time did you get in? Mark asks after he puts down his newspaper. Uh, around midnight, I think. I reply with a small smile of thanks in Lans direction after he places a few pancakes on our plates. Maurice called me, sounds like the new guy that joined made quite an impression last night? Did you see his fight? I think his name was Spade. Maury said he signed him up last week, but his first fight was only last night. Mark said as he too started eating the pancakes Landon made. Maurice was the original creator of The Ring, he is an old-ish man, probably in his high 50s, he looks as rough as a bears ass, but he is actually one of the sweetest people I know. Just dont piss him, or anyone he considers as his, off and youll be fine. Yes! He was so good! Really the fight lasted like 5 minutes. He is huge but he is lightning quick on his feet, he had Brawler knocked out within the first five minutes. Brawler probably didnt know what hit him. I smile a genuine smile in Marks direction, The Ring is one of the few things we can really talk about, even though he doesnt go as much as he used to, he still loves it just as much as I do. Thats good, Id like to see what happens to him in the Tournament next month. We havent had a lot of new talent lately, so the oldies are getting cocky. By the way, did you fight last night, Maury didnt say anything, and I thought you werent fighting again until after the tournament? Marks says looking at me in question while a frown starts to take over my features and Lan lets out a little laugh. Youre forehead, Mouse. Its a big ass blue bruise. Lan explains after I shoot him a questioning look. Ooh, no I didnt fight. I say as I turn back to Mark, I continue as he just lifts an eyebrow in question. Yesterday at school, this guy swung open the office door and it hit me in the face. He was running late so he didnt exactly see me standing on the other side about to open the door. I say with a small wince remembering my encounter with Brandon yesterday. Did you put ice on? He asks with a flicker of concern going through his brown eyes. Yes, I went to the nurse afterwards, then she gave me some Advil, really it looks worse than it feels. I say with a small smile as I get up to place all our dishes in the dishwasher and pack a quick lunch for myself consisting of a PB&J sandwich and an apple. Ill see you later, we have to go to Lans to fetch his car. Have a nice day. I smile at Mark as he returns his attention back toward his newspaper. Bye guys, enjoy school, Ray I was planning on going to The Ring tonight, Ill be home at 5 if you want to join me. He said as I put my lunch into my bag. Yeah thatd be great, football practice ends at 4oclock so Ill be back on time. See you. I say as Landon grabs my backpack and says goodbye to Mark before we make our way out of the house. He seems happier. I turn towards Lan when he starts to speak while we walk down the street towards his house. We were talking about football and me wanting to join the Military before you came down, usually he just says good morning and continues with his newspaper. He also didnt look like he was nursing a hangover. He explained. Yeah, Ive noticed that he hasnt been drinking quite as much. His heart broke when mom died, and he is still dealing with her death, he really did love her, but he seems to be getting back on his feet. Im not pushing him to do anything, I understand people grieve at their own pace, but it is nice to have a bit more of the old Mark around. I say with a small smile. I love Mark, and he might not be my dad, but he has been there for me since he started dating mom. We were really close when she was still alive, and I miss our old relationship. However, I also understand that his entire world fell apart when mom got sick, he was completely in love with her and he was ready to spend the rest of his life with her. When we reach Lans house, we walk into the front door so he can grab his backpack and his car keys, Mama and Papa J will be at work already, so he didnt have to worry about an awkward confrontation before school. We make our way back to the car, and after opening my door for me, Lan throws his bag, along with mine onto the back seat. When he pulls out of the driveway, I turn towards him, he is wearing a white V-neck and a pair of black jeans along with his black converse, plain but he looks great. So, I have some exciting news. I say as I think about Brandon Reems at The Ring last night. Lan tosses a quick glance in my direction, lifting one eyebrow, Yeah? Yeah. You know that fighter Mark and I was talking about? Spade.? I ask as we approach the schools parking lot. What of him? Landon asks as he parks the car, but doesnt get out, he simply turns to face me completely. Well as I was leaving, he was standing near the gate talking to someone and I kind of saw who it was. I say as I play with one of my braids hanging over my shoulder. And? Do you know him? Lan asks with a small frown on his face. Its Brandon Reems! I say with a big smile on my face. No fucking way! Lan almost shouts as we get out of the car, I wait by the hood as he grabs our bags. Yes, fucking way! And he was amazing! I know he fights a lot at school but thats usually just punching the shit out of someone. I never thought he was actually, a good fighter. He destroyed the man he fought. I havent seen anyone fight like that since Georges son Jonah a few years ago. And from what I heard he is a dead favourite for the tournament. Landon just whistles under hes breath as we stop by his locker first. While taking the books he asks, Does he know you are part of that world? I mean did he see you last night? No I dont think so, I was upstairs for most of the night and newbies arent allowed up there unless they are invited up, and when I was leaving I had my helmet on with my hair tied underneath so I dont think he recognised me. I say as we begin to make our way towards my locker which is a few rows down the hall. Yeah, but you know it is only a matter of time before he sees you there, right? Youre there basically every night, and if the big boys take an interest in him, which sounds like they already have, youll be introduced soon enough. All the new fighters get the warning regarding you. What are you going to do then? Landon asks, leaning against the locker next to mine while I take out my English book for first period. I dont know. Its the first time someone from school has even come close to The Ring, and I dont think last night was a one-night thing. Maybe I should wait until Maurice and the other introduces us, then I can ask him to keep, the fact that Im part of something like that, private. Its not really something I want everyone to know about. I say with a sigh as we start walking towards my English class. The only class I share with Lan is History which is second period. After lunch I have Math, then Geography and my last period is Biology. We only have PE once a week, and my PE period is the last period on a Wednesday while Lan has PE on Mondays. Im sure with the warning Maurice and the rest will give him, he will keep his mouth shut, those guys might be old, but they dont play around, and they are all crazy protective when it comes to you, especially after what happened with Noah. He assures me when we reach my class, there is still a few minutes before the bell goes, so we are just leaning against the wall. I flinch a little at the unpleasant memory, but quickly shut it out and turn back to Landon, who by the look of sympathy on his face, didnt miss my unstoppable flinch. I sigh, Yeah, youre right. And if he is serious about fighting at The Ring, Im sure he wont do anything to piss them off. I answer just as the bell rings. I pick up my bag and reach up to give Lan a kiss on the cheek. Ill see you in History, Mouse. He says as he walks away. When I go inside, I automatically go sit in the far corner next to the window. If the teachers dont assign seats for us, this is usually my seat of choice, and most people seem to understand that. I rarely have to deal with anyone sitting in my chair which is a blessing since I try to avoid most people as much as possible. Helo Tiny! I hear a cheerful voice exclaim from the chair next to mine as I was taking my textbook out of my bag. I turn to face the ever-smiling face of Charlie sitting in the seat next to mine. Uh Hi. I replied a bit unsure My name is Raylan. I told you yesterday. He just smiles not at all phased by my comment. I know, but Tiny is just so fitting. I can totally see why Bran thought you were a freshman. You look like you barely reach 5ft. He continues as I study him, he is wearing a bright orange shirt today with a pair of light blue jeans, which fit him nicely, if I do say so myself. Hes wavy light brown hair reaches the collar of his shirt and his blue eyes sparkle like he is on some kind of sugar high. I prefer Raylan. I just state bluntly as I turn towards the front where Mr. Stint has started with todays class. I notice that people are once again staring at me and Charlie, but I guess they heard what happened yesterday with Brandon and Oliver, so they are trying to be less obvious today. I just roll my eyes as I open on the chapter we are supposed to read and answer questions about. Do people always stare at you like this in your periods? Charlie asks with a weird expression on his face. I sigh and look around catching the eyes of a few learners, who quickly look away once the see Im looking at them, before looking at Charlie, who for the first time has a small frown on his face. I must have been staring longer than I thought because the frown on his face turns into a confused expression before he opens his mouth. What? Do I have something on my face? he then wipes across his entire face and I cant help but let a small smile cross my lips. No, sorry. And no, they dont normally stare like this. They started doing it yesterday after you dragged me across the cafeteria. And then Brandon sat next to me in Math, which led to more staring. I answer before going back to my book trying to concentrate on the questions. But why? I hear Charlie ask again. I look up from my book and into his eyes trying to find proof that he is indeed joking. Youre kidding right? I ask, but when he just stares at me with one eyebrow raised, I continue, you guys dont really talk to anyone besides each other. I mean Keith talks to the football team and Im sure you talk to the other track runners, but you guys kind of have a reputation of keeping to yourselves. So yesterday when you came up to me and all three of you talked to me, especially Brandon admitting that he apologized to me, you kind of threw the whole school into shock. So, I think they are staring trying to figure out why you guys decided to talk to me of all people. Add that to the fact that I only talk to about one person at this entire school, Im sure their brains are quite frazzled. After my little speech I go back to answering my questions and since Charlie doesnt start talking to me again, I guess he is doing the same. After I finished my work for the period, and handed in my worksheet, I sit back in my chair waiting for the last ten minutes to pass. Thats kind of stupid, do you realise that? I turn to Charlie and raise my brows for him to continue. The fact that they are acting this way just because we talked to you. Its not like we are doing anything crazy. He says with a genuine confused expression on his face which makes him look kind of cute. I let out a little laugh and he smiles back at me. Yeah I know, but theyll get over it as soon as the next scandal hits the rumour mill. I smile at him. So, the one person you talk to at the school is it that guy that left the cafeteria with you yesterday? The tall blonde? I think Keith said he is on the Football team, but Im not sure, my ears stop working when I hear the word football. He asks wiggling his eyebrows which bubbles a small giggle from me. Not a big sports fan I take it, I say with a small smile, but yeah. Thats Landon. Your boyfriend? he asks rolling the r and making his eyebrows dance across his forehead once again, causing me to smile. No, not boyfriend, best friend. One of those we were besties while still in our mommys bellies, stories. Our moms became friends while they were in High school, so me and Lan grew up together. I say with a small smile thinking about my pretty faced best friend. Oh, I see, well thats actually really cute. Ive known Keith and Brandon since we were about four years old. In kindergarten I was busy building a fort for my action figures in the sandpit, when Brandon came and destroyed it completely. So, Keith being the protector that he is, punched Brandon right in the face. But Im not one for violence, never have been, so I didnt like that, so I pushed Keith away causing him to fall on his butt. Then for some reason we all started laughing and weve been like brothers ever since. I smile at his story, trying to imagine these three little boys lying in the sand laughing and becoming best friends. Thats adorable! I exclaim a little louder than I meant to causing a few people to turn and stare at us. I just roll my eyes as Charlie started laughing.

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