Chapter 9

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The rest of the weekend was quiet, Landon and I had an us day like we said we were going to. We had breakfast together and spent the whole day watching different movies. When we got hungry again, we got sushi delivered and drank a few glasses of wine while watching more movies. It was a perfect lazy day. I woke up on Sunday morning on the couch with Lan still asleep next to me, the movie Toy Story was back to the home screen since we must have fallen asleep while watching last night. After carefully removing myself from Lans grip I made my way into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee when my phone rang. I quickly went back into the living room to answer before it woke Lan up but when I got there he already found my phone, Morning mom. I heard over him say as I went back into the kitchen to finish the coffee. When I was done I walked back into the living room to find Lan still sitting on the couch playing a game on my phone. I sat down next to him, pulling my legs underneath my body as I took a sip of the coffee. What did Mama J want? I ask as I hand him the cup to finish the rest. Shes making bunch, told me we are not allowed to eat breakfast otherwise we wont appreciate her food enough. He states with a small smile. What time should we be at yours? I ask as I look over his shoulder at him trying to beat my score in Flappy bird She said 11oclock is fine. Fuck I hate this stupid game! he exclaims as he dies on 7 again, my high score was 457. Then why do you always play it? I ask with a small laugh. Because. Is all he says causing me to laugh. I know its an old game but I still enjoy it. Okay, Ill go shower Mr. Sunshine. Since its already almost 10. He just nods while still focusing on the game. Fuck this! I hear him again as I reach the top of the stairs causing me to burst out laughing. After my shower I called Landon telling him he needed to start getting ready while I was looking through my closet for something to wear, it was nice and warm today so I settled on a light blue sundress that was cinched at the waist but flowed out at the bottom, reaching about mid-thigh. I paired it with a pair of white sandals. When Lan was done showering he walked into my room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Wow, Mouse you look really pretty. He smiled a genuine smile while I did a twirl for him giggling. Thanks Lan. I reply as I head into the bathroom. After drying my hair, I braided it to the side in an Elsa type braid, except my braid reached my belly button. I added a bit of foundation to cover the last remains of the bruise on my forehead, before spraying on a dash of perfume. Hurry up Mouse, its 10 to 11! I hear Landon yell from somewhere in the house. After rushing downstairs, I grab my phone and my keys before meeting Lan by the front door. He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a light blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and his black converse on his feet. Aww were matching! I say as we head outside while he just laughs. You know you never told me what happened with your talk with Papa J? I state as we start walking down the driveway. It didnt go as bad as I thought it would, I think he more or less understands why I want to do it. I mean he is still not happy, I think he is still hoping Id change my mind, but I think he is done fighting me about it every step of the way. Landon says with a small shrug. Well thats at least improvement. I say as we walk up to the front door. When we walk inside Mama J yells Kitchen! and we both head there. Oh, well dont the two of you just look adorable! Mama J gushes as he pulls us both into a hug. Look at them Jerry, even matching outfits. You guys are just too much! she says while tugging on Papa Js arm trying to get his attention away from the news paper he is reading. He puts the paper down and pretends to study us with a serious expression on his face before breaking into a grin. Well Baby girl if you keep on dressing like that Ill have to teach Landon how to shoot that old shotgun of mine, in order to keep the boys away. He says with amusement in his eyes. I almost groan as Landon nods along Oh please dont start, he already threatened my new friends with that gun should anything happen to me at Fridays football game. I say exasperated. Landon! Mama J scolds her son, while Papa J just gives him a high five. Oh, thats enough out of the two of you, lets go sit down so we can eat. Then Mouse can tell us all about her new friends. Mama J said, walking out of the kitchen with the three of us following.

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