Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower running, with a hot cup of coffee resting on my bed side table. I sat up wincing a bit from the ache between my legs as I started to drink my coffee. When the mug was about quarter way done, I heard the shower shut off and I looked up as Lan walked into the room with a towel around his waist. Morning. He chirped with a small smile while walking over towards me and taking the coffee out of my hands. Good morning, have you been up long? I ask as I look at my phone to see it is about 15 minutes past 6. No, not really. I woke up about 10 to six. Not get up and shower or were going to be late. I gave him a mock salute before getting out of bed, a small wince left my lips as I stood up from the bed. Did I hurt you last night? Lan asks with a look of concern in his eyes, while scanning my body from head to toe. No its not to bad. I say with a reassuring smile as I gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the bathroom for my shower. When I return into my room I find it empty but I just shrug, guessing Lan went down to start on breakfast as I moved towards my closet. I picked out a pair of white skinny jeans and a floral tank top along with my white converse before heading back into my bathroom to do my hair. The bruise on my forehead is looking better than it did yesterday, but still quite visible, so I comb my bangs over it once again. After blow drying my hair I decide to leave it untouched today, straight as an arrow hanging down my back before leaving the bathroom. As I reach the kitchen I see Lan behind the island scooping oatmeal into two bowls with pieces of sliced banana in a third bowl. Where is Mark? I ask as I take a seat placing a few pieces of banana into my oatmeal. He left already, said he had an important meeting with a big client today. Landon said as he started to eat his food.

When we pulled into the school parking lot Landon excused himself after placing a kiss on my forehead to meet with his football coach about the game this Friday. As I was making my way towards the school entrance I heard a voice calling. Tiny! since I knew it was Charlie I stopped and turned to face the direction he was calling from to see him and Brandon headed my way. Charlie with a big smile on his face, and Brandon scowling at all the people who stopped to stare at us. When they came closer I saw Brandon was sporting a black eye and a busted lip, with a small bruise on his jaw. I guess the few punches his opponents got in last night left quite the mark, but considering that seems to be the only damage he had after three fights I was still impressed. Good morning. I said with a small smile as they came to stand in front of me. Charlie enthusiastically returned my greeting while Brandon just gave me a nod of acknowledgement. You look like you had a fun night last night. I say to Brandon with a small smirk as we started up the stairs by the school entrance. Brandon broke out into a smile while saying Oh, you have no idea. I just smiled since I do have an idea after all. Where is your bestie? Charlie asks as we stopped by my locker, You two seem to be connected at the hip. Football meeting. I say as I shrug while taking out the books I need, as I was piling them into my arms, Brandon reached over to take them for me. I just shot him a grateful smile, to which I just received a nod in return. Oh, yeah I forgot he is on the team with Keith, like I said I dont really care for football. He says with a nonchalant lift of his shoulder. What would your choice of sport be then? Besides running I mean? I ask while lifting a eyebrow and bending down to pick up my bag, which Charlie takes out of my hands and swings over his shoulder. Hmm, I would say boxing. Not to participate in, but to watch at least. He says with a small glint in his eyes. I leave the actual boxing to Brand over here. He continues as he swings a arm around Brandons shoulder which Brandon shrugs off with a scowl directed to Charlie as he sends Charlie a warning look. I thought you werent one for violence? I ask as I remember our conversation from the day before. Im not. He answers without hesitation. But how can I not support my bestest best friend while he pummels a guys face in? He asks with a mock serious look on his face causing me to crack up. I can imagine. I say with a small laugh. When we reach my English class, Brandon hands me my books before bidding us a farewell saying that he will see me in History as Charlie and I enter the English class. Charlie places my bag down next to my desk as he takes the seat next to mine at the back of the class. So thats where Brandons bruises came from? Boxing I ask as I turn towards Charlie, Im sure he knows about The Ring, but there are strict rules when it comes to the secrecy of the place and I wanted to see if Charlie would blab about it or keep his mouth shut. I have a lot of personal attachment to that place and if the secret gets out there will be a lot of shit going down, so I couldnt resist probing Charlie to see whether or not hell keep quiet. Yeah, he was at the gym last night sparring with another fighter, but they got a bit excited. Charlie easily returns. Is he any good? Like does he compete in any competitions? I ask again with a small smile. Hes great, really, Im not just saying that because were friends. And please dont tell him I think so, but he really is amazing when he steps into the ring. And competitions? Nah, not really a few small ones here and there but he mostly does it because he enjoys it. He is trying to cut back on the fighting at school, since it is our senior year, and he doesnt want to get expelled which is what the principal said is going to happen if he fights again, so he has been focusing on his boxing a lot more. I think thats why he got a bit carried away last night at the gym. He replies easily. I just smile before turning to face the front as the bell rings and Mr. Stint begins his lesson.

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