Chapter 13

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The next morning, I wake up at around 7 feeling the sunshine hitting my face where the curtains were not completely closed. I open my eyes realising I am laying completely on top of another body causing a blush to rise to my cheek. Jake is laying on his back, with one hand resting on my bum and the other one thrown across his eyes, his soft breathing telling me he is still asleep. I gently take the arm that is resting on my backside and place it next to him on the bed before slowly moving my body off him, trying not to wake him. When I manage to get my feet on the floor, I tiptoe towards the door and quietly sneak out into the hallway. After going to the bathroom, I do my business and brush my teeth, before I silently make my way towards the kitchen, still wearing Jakes t-shirt which reaches to just above my knees. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and take out everything I need to make breakfast for me and the boys. When I finish making the last batch of bacon Charlie and Keith tiredly make their way into the kitchen, both flopping down on one of the breakfast benches. I pour them both a cup of coffee, Keith just smiles in thanks while Charlie grins at me. "Morning and thank you." He says nodding towards the coffee before taking a look around the kitchen. "This looks incredible. Are Brandon and Jake still sleeping?" He asks looking towards the living room while taking a sip of his coffee. "Morning guys. And yes, I think so. The food is ready, would you go wake them?" I ask before placing the bowl of bacon along with the scrambled eggs onto the kitchen island. Five plates are already set up along with a plate of toast, a plate filled with pork sausages and a bowl of mixed fruit. "Sure." Charlie smiles while making his way towards the staircase with his coffee in hand. "How are you feeling today?" Keith asked while I take a seat on one of the breakfast stools. I shrug, "I don't know." I reply staring down at my hands which are folded on my lap. "Are you going to talk to him today?" Keith ask again causing me to sigh. "Sure, I mean I have to. But at the same time, I feel like crying every time I think about it. In the past Landon and I we've had a few fights. We spend so much time together it is impossible not to get on each others nerves every now and then. But we have never fought like this. We've never screamed at each other like that. Lan's dad called my stepdad telling him Landon completely lost it yesterday when we were talking. And Landon rarely ever gets mad, but even when he does, he doesn't yell like he did yesterday. So, I don't really know how to handle the situation." I say feeling the back of my eyes prick with tears again. "Hey, it will work out okay. You guys are best friends. When you go home, go to a café or something where you guys can talk without anyone else around. Explain to him why you are so upset and listen when he tells you why he reacted the way he did. He cares about you a lot Ray, that is obvious, just hear him out and try to get him to see your side of the story." Keith says in a gentle voice standing up and pulling me into a hug. When we hear Charlies laughter we pull away facing the stairs where he comes rushing down, pushing me in front of him while a very wet, very angry Brandon comes to barrelling down the stairs, with a dry and much more calm Jake following behind him. "One day, I am going to actually kill you." Brandon seethes while looking over me at Charlie who is still giggling. "Kill him some other day Brand, let's eat before the food gets cold." Keith said placing a hand on Brandons shoulder and shoving the towel Jake handed him into Brandon's arms. I turn to face Charlie with a mock glare on my face. "I told you to wake him, not try and drown him." I say placing my hands on my hips while staring at the still laughing idiot in front of me. "I tried." He says raising his hands in surrender, "but he wouldn't get up, so I just poured a bit of water on his head." He continues before bursting into laugher again making me shake my head with a small smile stretching across my face. When I turn around Jake is standing a few feet away staring at me with a small smile on his face. When he sees I am looking and him, he holds out his hand for me, and as soon as I place mine in his much bigger hand, he gently tugs me towards his chest looking down at me smiling brightly. "Morning Sunshine." He says in a quiet voice. "Hi." I grin up at him with a loony smile on my face causing him to laugh softly under his breath before leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek. He turns his head to whisper in my ear. "You look beautiful" He murmurs gently before placing a small kiss beneath my ear causing me to blush as I wrap my arms around his neck, his own arms winding around my waist, gently lifting me onto the tips of my toes. "Let's eat." He beams as he pulls away grabbing my hand and leading me towards the breakfast stool next to Brandon before taking a seat on my other side. Brandon shoots me a small smile. "Morning, Little one, this looks amazing. Thank you." I just grin at him in return as we all start eating.

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