Chapter 36

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"Going to New York won't save you." I hear a dark voice. I try looking around but I am surrounded by darkness, I can barely make out my hand in front of me. "I'll find you wherever you go. You might be in his arms now, but you'll always belong to me. I'll find you and I'll finish what I started two years ago." When I hear the sound of a whip meeting the floor I let out a loud scream as I start running but I can't make out anything in front of me. "You always run little Stingray, but I'll always find you." When I feel a hand wrap around my throat I let out another blood chilling scream as Sabastian's laughter fills the darkness around me. Suddenly a wicked pain in my ear jolts me awake as I come face to face with a panicked Jake, seconds before the door bursts open with Leslie and Max guns drawn Jo, Ella and Brandon not far behind them. The girls eyes go wide at the sight of the guns but Leslie and Max quickly put them away when they see no threat. I rush into the bathroom, emptying the little contents I had in my stomach as I feel someone pull my hair away from my face rubbing my back. "Shh, it's okay." I hear Jo's voice as I lean my head on my arms trying to regain my breath. She continues rubbing soothing circles on my back, when she suddenly pulls way, I feel strong arms wrap around me, gently lifting me off the ground as Jo flushed the toilet. Jake's scent engulfs me as he carries me to the bed where I sit crossed legged hugging a pillow to my chest. "You okay?" Jake asks softly cupping my cheek as he sits in front of me, I nod before looking at the rest of our friends standing around the room. "It was just a bad dream, I'm sorry for waking all of you." I state looking down at my hands as I felt all of their eyes on my. "Don't worry about it Ray." Jo assures me. "Yeah, it's 8am in any case. I'll go start with breakfast." Leslie states as Jo and Ella offer to help while Max follows them outside leaving me, Jake and Brandon. "You sure you're okay?" Brandon asks softly. I nod offering him a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm sure Brand, thanks." He nods before walking out of Jake's room and closing the door behind him. "Do you want to sleep for a few more hours?" Jake asks gently cupping my cheeks. "No, thanks. I'm sorry I woke you." "It's fine baby, at least I know the ear thing works." He states with a small grin causing a light laugh to escape my lips. "I told you." I say smiling. "Can I run you a bath?" "I can do it J." I state softly. "Please let me?" I give him a smile before nodding watching as he stands up before entering the bathroom. I lean back against the pillows placing my hands over my face as I try to shake the dream that was haunting my thoughts, I'm fine and for now I'm safe. I repeat this in my head until Jake walks back into the room. I get up before wrapping my arms around his waist and burring my face in his chest as he wraps his arms around my shoulders hugging me tight. "Come baby girl." He coax gently leading me into the bathroom where the gigantic tub is filled with bubbles causing a small smile to spread over my lips. "Are you joining me?" I ask looking up at him. "Do you want me to?" He asks giving me a soft smile. "Yes please." He nods before he slowly pulls his shirt over my head and pulling my thong down my legs before pulling his own boxers down. He gives me a hand as I step into the hot water giving him a smile as my body instantly relax. He grins before climbing in on the other side sitting down facing me as his legs go either side of my body. "You want to talk about it?" He asks as I lay my head against the edge of the tub. "No, not really." I state honestly.

When we get out of the tub we quickly dry off before getting dressed. Jake pulls on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt while I settle on a pair of long yoga pants and one of Jake's hoodies pulled over my t-shirt, I had to roll the sleeves a few times before I found my hands and the hem reached just above my knees but it was comfy as hell. Jake sent me a small smile when he saw my outfit of choice before he opened the bedroom door as we made our way downstairs. Leslie, Ella, Jo and Keith were making breakfast as the rest of them either sat in the kitchen or in the living room. "Morning." I mutter softly before taking a seat next to Brandon who sends me a warm smile as everyone else wished me good morning. When the food was ready we all moved to the dining room, Jake places a pancake on a plate along with a small bowl fruit before raising an eyebrow at me, I quickly nod my head indicating it's enough and he places it in front of me as Brandon hands me a glass of fruit juice I softly thank both of them as I wait for everyone to pile food onto their plates before they all sat down again and we began eating. When I finished half my pancake and ate a few pieces of the fruit I started feeling sick so I stopped, ignoring the look Leslie sent me. When everyone was finished Xavier and them started saying their goodbyes and the girls followed soon after with Charlie and Keith also anouncing they have to head home, leaving me, Jake and Brandon as we sat watching a movie, I was cuddled against Jake's side as Brandon laid on a different couch. "What time is Mark coming home?" Jake asks as he plays with my hair. "I don't know, he didn't say." I answer quietly as Jake nods. When the sky started to darken my phone rang and I quickly went to fetch it where it was in the kitchen before answering Mark's call. "Hello." I state softly. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" "I'm not bad thanks, how was your night?" I ask as I make my way back to the living room. "Ah, well from what I can recall it was a blast." I can hear the laughter in his voice and it causes a soft laugh to escape my lips as I sit back down next to Jake. "I'm glad to hear it." I state with a grin. "Are you going to The Ring tonight with Brand?" He asks making me raise an eyebrow at Brandon. "You have a fight tonight?" I ask and he grins. "Yeah, why?" "Are we going?" I ask looking at Jake. "We can yeah." I nod before focusing on Mark again. "Yeah looks like it, why?" "I'm just making sure, I told Gerry you had a new car so he'll let you in." "Okay, that's fine. Thank you." "Are you spending the night at Jake's again?" "Yeah, if it's okay with you?" "Yeah it's fine. But come home tomorrow okay? I want to take you out for lunch." "Is this an I'm in trouble kind of lunch?" He laughs softly causing a grin to spread over my lips. "No, you're not in trouble Ray." "Okay, then lunch sounds amazing." He laughs softly. "Okay, Ray. Then I'll see you later." "See you later Mark." And then I hung up before turning to Jake. "Lunch?" "Yeah, Mark wants to take me out to lunch but he swears I'm not in trouble." I grin up at Jake who sends me a smile. "I'm going to go get dressed." I state as I get up, placing a kiss on Jake's lips before rushing up the stairs. I pulled a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans and a long sleeved pale yellow crop top, I threw on my cropped black leather jacket and a pair of black high heels. I put my phone and my wallet into the small clutch Terra got me and I fastened the small charm bracelet Jake got me around my wrist, I leave my hair down my back as I go into the bathroom to fix my bangs. "Baby?" "In here." Jake pops his head into the bathroom giving me a massive smile. "You ready?" "Yeah." I state as I walk out of the bathroom, he was wearing a pair of black jeans and a long sleeve forest green shirt with his Nike sneakers. "You look nice." I state giving him a smile. "Thanks baby, you look stunning as always." I laugh softly grabbing my clutch as we made our way downstairs. "Are we taking Lucy?" Jake nods giving me a smile. "Yeah, is that okay?" I grin giving him a nod as we meet Brandon by the front door before making our way outside. I hand Jake my keys as Brandon opens the passenger door for me giving me a hand as I climb in, when were all seated Jake pulls out of the driveway. "I still can't believe this is yours." Brandon states from the backseat. "Me neither." I answer with a grin which he returns as I look back at him. "Are you joining the tournament that's starting on the 5th?" "10 000 dollars cash prize? Of course I am." He states with a big smile causing me to laugh. "Well unless we get new fighters you should be good, I mean you've already won the previous one and that was basically the best of the best." "Don't boost his ego too much, he hasn't exactly been keeping up with his exercises." Jake states with a teasing grin finding Brandon's eyes in the rear view mirror. "I'll be fine." Brandon grins in return causing me to laugh softly. "Pull up to the back, Mark told Gerry I got a new car." I state to Jake when we get close to The Ring and he nods driving through the main gate and heading towards the second warehouse where Gerry quickly opened the door with Ivan standing next to him. "This is a lot better than parking in front." Brandon mutters under his breath as Jake nods. When Jake pulls the car to a stop, Gerry opens my door before offering me a hand and helping me out of the car. "Hi Ray, haven't seen you in a while." He states pulling me in for a quick hug before we make our way out of the warehouse. "Yeah, I haven't been in a while." I state as we start our way to the back door with Jake and Brandon, Ivan following quietly behind. "Well, it's good to see you again, Jackson should be waiting on the other side." "Thanks Gerry." I send him a grin as he opens the door to the kitchen where Jackson was waiting. "Hello Jackson." I grin wrapping my arms around him as he softly pats me on the back. "Good evening Miss Johnson, Jake, Spade." He shakes their hands after I let him go as they send him a small smile before he leads me out of the kitchen with Brandon walking ahead and Jake close behind me. Thomas nods his head at us when we come to the bottom of the stairs before he steps aside and allows us to go upstairs. "Hi Matt." "Hello Sting, good to see you again." I smile at him and make my way towards Maury and the Big Boys as Jake and Spade greet Matt, Jackson a few steps behind me. "As I live and breath." I roll my eyes at Morgan before giving him a hug. "You saw me yesterday." "Yeah, but you haven't been here in forever." "Yeah, yeah." I grin before stepping into Maury's open arms. "Hey princess." "Hi Maury, Mark not here yet?" "No his on his way." I grin pulling away before sitting on the armchair next to Collin who sends me a smile. "I heard you guys had quite the night at the club." "Oh, god." He mutters dropping his head in his hands making me laugh loudly. "That sounds promising." "You're dad and Maury are evil." "Fuck you!" Maury exclaims from the couch he was sitting on. "You're the one that kept ordering that shit flaming rum." "Ah, but it tastes like heaven." He grins making me giggle. "Hi Ray." I look up as Jenna hands me a beer. "Hi Jen, how have you been?" "Not bad, thanks." I grin as she walks off. "What time is your fight?" I ask turning to Brandon. "Half an hour." He answers as I nod. "Hello, hello." Mark greets as he walks towards us placing a kiss on my cheek as I send him a grin. "About time you got here old man." I state with a cheeky grin causing him to laugh. "Yeah, yeah, good things take time." He answers sassily as he shakes Collin's hand.

When Brandon went down for his fight Jake and I stood up to go sit at the couches against the railing so we'd have a better view of the fight. We were about 10 minutes into his fight when his opponent slammed his knee into Brandon's privates, breaking the rules as Brandon fell to his knees. I slammed my beer down on the railing a lot harder than I meant to as it shattered, a piece of glass digging itself deep into my palm causing me to wince loudly as blood flowed. "Shit!" Jake mutters reaching for my hand. "It's fine, I'll go down to Maggie." "I'll come with you." "It's just a little cut, Jackson can take me, you stay here I want to know what happens with Brandon." He gives me a reluctant nod as Jackson takes my elbow and leads me down the stairs and into the back rooms before knocking on Maggie's door and opening it, Maggie was pacing up and down her office but her eyes went wide when she saw my hand. "Goodness what happened?" She asks walking to me and leading me to the small room at the end of the hall. "I'll be right outside." Jackson states before closing the door behind us. "Broke my beer bottle by accident." I state as she examines my hand under the bright lights while I sit on the small bed in the middle of the room. "Hm, there's still a piece of glass in there, I have to take it out, but it's gonna hurt like a bitch." I nod as she grabs her tweezers with shaky hands causing me to frown. "Are you okay?" "Hm, yeah. Sorry." She takes a deep breath before she starts removing the small pieces of glass, my other hand was balled into a tight fist with my nails digging into my palm as I winced loudly. "Almost done." She states softly as she drops the pieces in a small tin bowl. "There we go. It's not that deep so you won't need stiches, so I'll just wrap it for you." I nod as she moves to the cupboards behind me opening and closing them. "You haven't been here in a while eh?" She asks as she starts wrapping my hand. "Yeah, I've been dealing with some stuff." I state softly as she secures the bandage while nodding her head. "I heard about your friend, I'm sorry for your loss." "Thank you." I mutter softly as she starts putting the extra bandages away. "I'm also sorry for this." She states causing a frown to spread over my face as I turn to face her, but a sharp pain pinches in my neck and I stare at her confused as she moves the syringe away from me. "What was that?" I mumble sleepily as my vision starts to cloud. "I'm sorry, they took my son." And then the back door opened I moved my head slowly to see two big men walking inside. "What's going on? Get Jackson." I mumble softly as darkness pulls at my eyes. "Jackson." I mumble one last time before everything goes dark.

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