Chapter 8

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After the night at Landons house where I had to reassure Jenny about a thousand times that I was fine, just exhausted the rest of the week went by quickly. It was Friday today and I was at home after school busy getting dressed for Landons football game. After a quick shower I dried my hair and left it lose down my back. I was wearing a pair of skin-tight black skinny jeans, with a pair of cute high heeled black booties. I had a white long-sleeved shirt underneath one of Landons school jerseys, our colours being red, white and black with his number and surname printed on the back. When I hear a ding from my phone I get it where it was lying on my bed. I had two text messages from Charlie and one from Landon. Landon said him and Connor were leaving his house now since Connor is our designated driver for tonight, and Charlie was asking where I was and that he was saving me a seat with him and Brandon, since they were there because Keith was also on the team. I grabbed my black pea coat and headed downstairs sending Lan an Ok and telling Charlie I was leaving the house now. Since Mark left for a business trip I had no worries about staying out late. After grabbing my wallet, my phone and my keys I headed towards the front door. Locking everything behind me just as Connor pulled up with Lan in the front seat, Lan quickly got out and opened the back-seat door for me. You look as cute as a button Mouse. He said while giving me a hug. I just laughed and thanked him while getting into the car and greeting Connor. Hey Ray, are you excited? He asked as he pulled out of my driveway. I always am Con. Are you guys ready to win tonight? I asked with a big grin on my face. I always loved going to Lans football games. The energy in the stadiums were addicting. Hell Yeah! both boys yelled together, causing me to laugh. So Hannah said if you want you can sit with her, she is only on the field before the game and during halftime. I know you usually sit alone but she thought you might like some company. Connor said, his eyes finding mine for a brief second in the rear view mirror, before focusing back on the road. Oh, thats very nice of her, but I kind of already have people I am sitting with, they are there already saving me a seat behind your benches so I can be close. I say with a small smile. This new information causes Landon to turn in his seat so he can face me, a surprise look across his face. Really? And who are these new friends I have heard nothing about? He asks keeping his tone light but I can see the worry in his eyes. Uh, well see since Keith is on the team, and they are going to support him, and Charlie knew I was going to see you play, he thought it might be fun if I sit with him and Brandon. I say in a small voice staring at my hands. Are you sure that is a good idea? Lan answers with a serious tone. Dude, I dont know how you got those guys to talk to you, honestly I mean youre hot as hell, but still they dont talk to anyone, let alone invite someone to sit with them. Connor answer before I could reply to Landon. I just sighed, I dont know honestly, Brandon opened the office door into my face and felt really bad and that is kind of how we all began talking, and Ill be fine Lan. Were in a public place surrounded by hundreds of people. Im sure someone would notice if they try to abduct me. I say with a small smile. I know Landon only worries about me, but he can really be over protective sometimes, more so than what is necessary. Charlie and Brandon and maybe even Keith are the first friends, I guess you can call us friends, Ive made by myself in a long time, and I really do enjoy their company. After a few more moment of searching my face Landon just nods and turns towards the front again. Whats the issue if she spends time with them? Connor asks Landon I mean I know you guys are supper close and you are scarily protective of her, but I dont think theyll do anything bad. Even the big bad Brandon has never shown any aggression towards a girl, despite the tons of guys he has beaten shitless. Connor continues glancing at Landon as we pull into the school parking lot which is already filling up with people coming to see the game. Landon sighs as we he gets out of the car and opens my door for me, before joining Connor at the trunk to remove his duffel bag. You never know what people are capable of. Is Landons only reply before he swings an arm over my shoulder and leads me towards the stand. May I walk you to your new friends? Since you guys are getting close, I think an introduction is in order. Well that may have been worded as a question, but it definitely wasnt up for debate. Sure Lan. I just smile up at him while we approach the locker rooms. Con, Ill be right there, Im just going to make sure Ray gets to her seat. Landon shoots over his shoulder as we continue past the locker rooms and face the stands in front of us. There they are. I say pointing to Charlie and Brandon, as always Charlie is talking a mile a minute while Brandon just nods here and there not really a big talker. As we get closer to them I mumble to Landon. Be nice, please. I look up to him, he frowns down at me for a second before sighing and nodding as we approach the two guys. Charlie is decked out in his supporter outfit. His face is half painted white, the other half red, he was wearing a school t shirt with the school logo and a pair of black jeans and red converse. He also had on a big afro wig, that has been divided into three parts, one black, one red, and one white. Brandon looks quite normal in a pair of blue jeans and a red V-neck shirt with black Adidas sneakers covering his feet. Tiny! Charlie yells and pulls me out from Landons arm to give me a hug. Ive missed you so much! he cries dramatically. I saw you today you dumbass. Now let me go. I laughed as he let me go so I can greet Brandon who also stood up upon our arrival. Hi Little one. He said as I gave him a quick hug as well. Guys, this is Landon Anderson, Lan this is Charlie Stewart and Brandon Reems. I say motioning between the three of them. Charlie automatically sticks his arm out to shake Landons hand. Hi, I have heard so much about you. Tiny talks about you all the time. He says enthusiastically shaking Landons hand. Landon just smiles before discreetly removing his hand from Charlies excited handshake and extends it to Brandon. Hi man, nice to meet you. Brandon says surprising me a bit for not coming of as a jerk he normally does to strangers. Likewise. Landon answers clearly more comfortable with the normal hand shake Brandon gave him, compared to Charlies over the top one. You guys will look after her right? I dont mean it in a funny way but if something happens to her, your fighting skills wont be enough compared to my dads shot gun. Landon states with a serious expression on his face looking both Charlie and Brandon in the eye. Lan! I nearly shout, mortified that he just threatened both of them. Im sorry guys he is just protective, even when he doesnt have to be. I say shooting Lan a scolding look to which he just rolls his eyes. I always have to be. He states with a serious expression before turning back to the two guys who are yet to answer him. Shell be fine, I promise. We dont intend to hurt her if that is what you mean. We really just enjoy her company. Charlie says a bit serious for the first time today. I get that you are worried but there really is no threat here man. Brandon continues, In fact she is probably safer with us than she is sitting alone. Okay, Landon nods satisfied, not at all embarrassed about threating to shoot them with Papa Js shot gun, before turning to me. Be safe Mouse. Ill see you afterwards, Ill meet you here so we can walk to the car. He says placing a kiss on my forehead, as he was walking away I remember something. Hey Lan, is Papa J coming tonight? No he is working late and Mom didnt feel like coming. He replies standing on the stairs so we are almost even in height since I am a few steps above him. Okay, Lan. Go break a leg. I say before leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Love you. I shout as he continues his descent towards the locker rooms. Love you too! He yells back. I make my way back towards Charlie and Brandon to see the chair they saved for me is in between the two of them. As I sit down Charlie turns towards me Mouse? he questioned with amusement in his eyes while I just rolled mine. He started calling me that back when we were still little tots. His whole family does. It kind of stuck. I say with a small smile. He really cares for you huh? Brandon asks from my other side. Yes, we have been through a lot, so he tends to get a bit over protective around new people. I say with a shrug as the teams move onto the field for the game to begin.

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