Chapter 29

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The next few weeks went by quickly and today was the last day of school before thanksgiving break. Noah was set to be released on the 27th of December so there was still about a month left before that became an even bigger issue. After a BBQ a couple of weeks ago, Mark, Jenny and Jerry met the guy's parents and they all became fast friends. We were planning a big thanksgiving dinner at Jakes house, since he had the biggest kitchen and dining room, he didn't seem to mind when Mrs. Rose called him to inform him of their plans, and just said as long as he doesn't have to cook, he could care less. The guys and I have become even closer in these passing weeks and Max and Leslie fit nicely into our little group, people at school stopped making such a big deal over the new arrivals and girls have started coming up to them a bit more. Max ate up the attention, but Leslie became extremely uncomfortable, which amused me and Max to no end. Things were also going great between Jake and I, even though he sometimes has to work late, we spend as much time as possible with each other, I never knew I would fall this hard and fast for a guy, especially not with the mess my life is right now, but I am absolutely head over heels in love with him. Landon and the guys also seem to get along a lot better, even Brandon doesn't seem to hate him anymore, he still tries to avoid situations where Jake is involved but I guess that is understandable, I try to make time for just me and him as much as possible, which mostly meant movie nights like the one we had last night. We had an Avengers movie playing in the background as we just sat talking about life for a few hours. it feels like we missed out on a lot those few weeks that we weren't talking and we took every opportunity to catch up on missing time. The whole being in love with me, proved not to be such a big issue once we fell back into our normal pattern and I was insanely grateful for it. He was still my best friend and I would be lost without him.

I was standing in my driveway next to Suzi as I waited for Keith to show up, since he was driving with me to and from school today. The weather was cooling down, but not too much, I was currently wearing a pair of knee-high light brown boots, my light blue, high waisted skinny jeans and a white sweater with my brown leather jacket thrown over it, and hair my was braided into a side French braid that was currently hanging over my shoulder, Winters here didn't really get all that cold, mostly a few days that you needed more than a sweater which I was extremely grateful for since I didn't really like the cold. When he pulled up next to my house, I quickly slipped my helmet on as I mount Suzi and start her up, pulling out of my driveway next to Keith before we take off towards the school. When we pulled into the parking lot, Brandon, Charlie, Max and Leslie were all standing around Brandon's bike. I take the hand Brandon offered me before climbing off Suzi and taking off my helmet as I give everyone a hug. "So, you guys are coming to mine after school?" Brandon asks as we start to make our way to the schools entrance. "Yeah, I gave my overnight bag to Charlie yesterday when he dropped me home after school." I state nodding my head along with the rest. We were all planning on hanging out there for the night since everybody's families will be coming over the next day in any case. Max and Leslie were joining us for the night, but they are spending thanksgiving with their own families. "Okay good, see you at lunch." Brandon states as we split up to go to our Lockers, Max and Leslie walking with me after grabbing our books, Max and I make our way to our first period where Charlie was already seated at his normal desk. "What time does Jake get of from work today?" Charlie asks with a smile. "He said he'll probably leave by four, but he doesn't have a busy day today, so it might be earlier." I state with a small smile. "Is Landon joining us tonight?" Max asks where he was turned backwards in his desk, facing me and Charlie. "Yeah, I was with him last night and he said he is going to join us." I state with a small shrug. All the guys and Jake knew Landon and I sometimes had movie nights by ourselves and no one seemed to mind, I think after the few fights Landon and I had lately, everyone knew we needed some time to repair the damage we did.

When we sat down in our second period, Landon wasn't in class, but Max guessed that he might just be late, or skipping because he didn't do the homework we were required to do before break started. As the second bell rang, a small frown formed on my face, Landon didn't say anything about not coming to school today and he rarely ever ditched class. I pull out my phone before opening Lan's contact and sending him a text.

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