Chapter 3

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Kyla is sitting on a desk glaring at me as I make my way into the classroom to sit at the back next to the window, I just raise my brow at her in question, but she scoffs and turns away. I shrug as I reach my desk and sit down. Most people hate math, but I really don't mind it, I don't love it, but I understand it easy enough, so the class is quite a breeze. I'm sitting at my desk doodling on my notebook while I wait for Mrs. Stone to start the period, when someone plops into the seat next to mine. "Hey Little one." His voice is friendly, but when I turn to face Brandon, he has a massive scowl on his face and is starting at the black board in the front of the class like it offended him. "Uh, Hey, you heard me when I said my name is Raylan, right?" I ask with a frown on my face. "Yeah, I heard." Is all he says, so I turn to face the front as Mrs. Stone starts the lecture. Throughout the period, people kept stealing glances at me and Brandon. I really don't know why, we weren't talking or anything he was just sitting there staring at the clock above the board with a bored look on his face while I was trying to ignore everyone who turned around in their seats to stare at us. "What?" Brandon finally snaps, looking at a boy who was staring at me, quite obviously for about five minutes already. "Is there a problem Mr Reems?" Mrs Stone asks as she turns around to face Brandon, while the boy in front quickly looked back at the board. "Oliver has been staring at Raylan the entire period, and it was making her uncomfortable." Brandon answers in a calm voice. Mrs Stone raised her eyebrows in surprise while turning to Oliver who was writing in his notebook. "Oliver is there a reason why you have been staring at Raylan?" She asks in her soft voice. "I wasn't staring ma'am." He chokes out nervously. "Are you saying I'm lying Parks?" Brandon asks in a dangerous voice. "No, uh, yes, uh I don't know." Oliver replies, looking like he is about to shit his pants. "That's enough, detention for you Oliver, and Brandon, please try not to shout in my class." Oliver looks like he is about to say something else, but the look Brandon shot him, quickly shut him up. I let out a little giggle covering my mouth with my hand as Mrs. Stone carries on with the lesson and Brandon shoots me an amused look before continuing with his daydream.

The rest of the day goes by rather uneventful; a few people are still staring at me weirdly. The most that happened was Charlie screaming my name in the hallway while I was on my way to my last period, luckily, I am short, so it was quite easy to blend in with the crowd and disappear. Its after school now, so I am on my way to the library to do todays homework while I wait for Landon to finish football practice. I sat down at my normal table in the back took out all the work I had to do for the day, and after digging through my bag for my earphones, I put on some music and got to work. When I was done with the seemingly never-ending pile of homework, I checked the time and let out a few curse words, it was 20 minutes past 4 already, and Lans practice ended at four. Quickly packing away all my things I rush out of the library towards the parking lot. I knew Lan wouldnt leave without me, but I still felt bad for making him wait. As I was turning the last corner I ran into a wall, bouncing back onto my ass. "Fuck me!" is the only thing I can say as I was lying on my back in the middle of the hallway. "Today is really not my fucking day!" I almost growl. When I open my eyes, I see a concerned pair of grey eyes staring back at me, and a hand close to my face offering me a hand up. "Are you okay? Shit you came out of nowhere. Im so sorry." Keith says as he helps me to my feet and picks up my bag, along with the binder I dropped. "I'm fine, it wasnt your fault, the universe just hates me today." I say as I look up into his eyes with a small smile. "Where are you headed in such a rush anyway?" He asks with a small smile, his hair is a bit wet, so I guess he took a shower in the gym after football practice, he smells really nice, a woodsy sent mixed with lime. At his words I let out another cuss, "Shit, thanks for your help, I'm late my friend is waiting for me in the parking lot, I lost track of time while doing homework." I say as I take my bag and my binder from him. "No problem at all, are you alright though? Thats the second knock you took today, and your head looks like it hurts like hell." He smiles, but there seems to be genuine concern in his eyes, just as I was about to reply a voice behind him interrupts me. "Fucksakes, Mouse, where the hell have you been?" Are the first words out of his mouth when he sees me. "I'm sorry Lan, I lost track of time in the library, and then I was running, and then I ran into Keith which knocked me on my ass, I was just about to leave." As if hearing my words causes him to realize Keith was standing next to me, Landons eyes moved over to him, Keith just gave him a nod before turning to me "Take care little sailor mouth." He says with a wink before turning on his heels and leaving down the hall. "Are you okay?" I turn to Landon, while he is searching my face and body for any more bodily harm. "I'm fine, I just want to go home now please, its been a long day." Lan searches my face once more before grabbing my backpack and putting it on his shoulder, then he takes my hand and starts leading me outside and to his car.

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