Chapter 11

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A little over an hour later we pull into the driveway of a cute little cottage sitting right on the beach. There is already another bike parked in front of the garage, so the three of us pull in next to each other before killing the engines. This is amazing, I say as I take my helmet off and stare at the building in front of us. Yeah, my Gran left it for me and my brother when she passed last year, so we come up here once every few weeks when he has time. Brandon says while taking my duffle bag from me and slinging it over his shoulder as we made our way towards the front door with Keith following behind me. When we enter Brandon yells Jake! While we wait for Brandons older brother I look around realising the cottage is much bigger on the inside than it looks from the outside. Directly to the left is a small living room with a flat screen TV mounted against the wood panel wall. With a big L shaped leather couch in front of it. There is a small coffee table in the middle of the room where a few different sized candles rest on. On the far side of the living room there are big glass doors which leads out onto a big patio, which is connected to the beach. To the right is a very modern kitchen, all stainless steal and black with clean white tiles and a big island counter in the middle set up with 6 breakfast stools. Off to the kitchen there is a white wooden staircase leading to the second floor, and a hallway with two doors on either side. Hello Brother! I hear a voice exclaim as a pair of legs appear on the top of the staircase. And when the rest of his appears I have to remind myself to breath. Now Brandon, Charlie and Keith are all extremely good looking, and Landon is very attractive as well, so I am kind of use to being around attractive guys without making a fool of myself. But when Brandons brother came into full view I felt like I was melting. I have never seen a more good-looking guy, no man, in my entire life. He was tall, at least 65, and built like something out of a porno magazine, he shared the bulk look with his brother but he carried it a lot better. He had a full head of crazy dark brown, almost black curly hair which was cut short at the sides but left a bit longer on top. He had a pair of turquoise eyes that put the sea outside to shame, I think it might be possible to actually drown in them. He had a strong straight nose, and a pair of plump pink lips that I wanted to lick and perfectly straight white teeth. He came down and gave Brandon and Keith one of those man hugs before turning to me, Now, you are absolutely stunning. What are you doing with these dumbasses? He asked with a teasing smile on his face causing Brandon to scoff before shoving his brother to the side. Jake, this is Raylan, the girl Charlie never shuts up about, and Ray, this is my older brother Jake. I smile as I turn towards Jake holding out my hand Hi, nice to meet you. When he shakes my hand he looks like he is thinking hard about something before his eyes light up Raylan Johnson. My oh my, you have certainly changed. He mused which caused me to frown at him before removing my hand Im sorry? I ask just as Brandon asks You know her? And then turning to me, You know him? Jake answers yes the same time I answer no. Well kind of. He begins to explain. I know Mark. Ive known him for a few years now, I remember meeting you once when I was sixteen, that means you were about 12 years old. You still have the same long hair and pretty blue eyes. He answers. Im sorry I dont remember. I say studying his face trying to recall a memory. Thats fine it was a long time ago. Why dont you guys put your bags down and we can make something for lunch? he asks There are only four bedrooms in here so you guys someone is going to share, Ive already placed my things in my normal room, so the two downstairs are still open. Jake said to Brandon Ill share with Charlie. Keith answered with a shrug, Well stay in the room down here since it has two smaller beds he says before heading down the hall to the room I assume the was talking about. Okay, then Ray the other door down there is a bathroom, but there is also two bathrooms upstairs. One thats connected to the master bedroom, and one that is meant for the rest of the floor. Brand Ill go start the BBQ well make some burgers. You show Ray to her room. Jake said before heading out through the glass doors out onto the patio. Does Jake know about The Ring? I ask Brandon as we make our way upstairs. Yes, he is the one who taught me how to fight. Maurice has asked him a couple of time to join, but he says he doesnt have the time. Brandon answers. So he is what 22 years old? Does he live with you? I ask. Uh. Yeah, my parents died in a car crash about three years ago, so Jake became my legal guardian. Our grandmother helped us a lot at the beginning, and when she passed away she left us this place along with a some money, she never wanted me or Jake to have to struggle to live normal lives. He says with a shrug. Oh, Im sorry, I didnt know. I say instantly feeling bad. What about you, I mean I know Mark is your step dad, but Ive never heard anyone talk about his wife? Brandon asks as he leads me into the first room. My mom passed away because of cancer when I was fourteen and my dad died in a robbery shooting when I was only a couple weeks old. So Mark is all Ive got. And Landons parents of course. I say with a small smile while sitting down on the bed as Brandon places my bag down in front of the dresser. Im sorry to hear. Landon though, he seemed really pissed of this morning, and you looked like you were ready to burst into tears. Do you want to talk about it? Brandon asks gently. Landon is very protective. He always has been, but about two years ago some bad things happened which caused Landon and most of the people in my life actually, to become even more protective over me. And I dont mind, really, some people might get irritated, but I know they all mean well. Last night I went to The Ring, you know for the picking of the fighters, congratulations by the way, and there was this gigantic she-hulk who Maurice hired to help the girls who work there. Maury felt that the girls were a bit uncomfortable coming to him with personal problems so he though hiring this lady, Miss Brooks, would give the girls someone to talk to. So last night was the first night I saw her there and I guess she thought I was one of the waitresses or something because she started yelling at me because of my clothes and how late I was and things like that, but before I or anyone else could correct her, the bitch slapped me across the face. I say pointing at the nasty bruise Im currently sporting. Anyway, so after they picked the fighters I went to Landons house, because we sleep over at each others houses most nights, we live like five houses away from each other, but he was already asleep and when I woke up this morning I forgot about my face, so I went to the kitchen where Landons dad saw my face and completely freaked out, then Landon came rushing into the room, and when he saw my face he completely lost his shit as well. He was yelling and swearing and going off. Eventually Landons mother calmed them down so I could actually tell them what happened. And after I did, Landon looked even more pissed off. So I just let him be but then he kind of walked off at school and then that twat Kyla started spewing shit out so I was just upset. I say ending with a shrug Fuck that was a mouth full, sorry I try to lighten the mood which causes Brandon to laugh a bit. Dont worry, Im sure Landon will come around. I have never seen two people so dedicated to a friendship the way you guys are. He loves you. A lot Ray. Does he blame himself for the bad stuff that happened a few years ago? Brandon asked and I answer with a small nod. Was the bad things that happened his fault? He asks again. No, god no. Landon would never. I immediately answer. Well Ray, I think that whatever happened must have been serious, and even though it wasnt Landons fault he blames himself because he couldnt protect you the way he wishes he could have. So now he is trying to make up for it by protecting you from the bad things now. And when he saw what happened he was pissed off, but not at you Little one, he was pissed at himself because once again he didnt protect you when he should have. Tell me did you invite him to go with you last night? He asks Yes, but he said he was tired, and thats fine he doesnt go as often as I do. I reply Sure, and he also saw nothing wrong with not going with, but now, there are thoughts about how he couldve prevented all that from happening if he just went with. Once again you got hurt because he wasnt there. Do you understand? Brandon asks in a gentle voice. I do but that is stupid of him. I would never blame him for something someone else did to harm me. But now I am mad at him, because he got so angry and completely shut me out. I reply feeling a small sting at the back of my eyes. Just give him time to calm down, Im sure he already realised he acted like a jackass. And now hell have a day of suffering for making you cry because he will only be able to see you tomorrow. Brandon says with a wink, while wiping the few tears that managed to escape, being extra gentle on the bruised side of my face. Wow, is everything okay? Jake asks as he walks into the room causing Brandon to stand up as I wipe the rest of my tears. Everything is fine. I answer with a small smile. Okay, food is ready if you guys are hungry. Just then my stomach growled loud enough for both brothers to hear, causing me to blush and them to laugh. Come on, cutie. Lets get some food into you. Jake said as he grabbed my hand and started pulling me from the room and down the stairs with Brandon following behind us. When we walk into the kitchen Keith is already there munching on a burger. Hey Ray, your phone has been blowing up. I checked to see if it was your step dad, but it wasnt and I wouldve brought it to you, but it looked like the two of you were discussing something important so I didnt want to bother you. He says nodding to my phone that was on the kitchen counter. I quickly inlock my phone to see a bunch of messages from Landon:

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