Chapter 27

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Waking up the next morning, Jake was still sound asleep, so I removed his hand from my waist before silently making my way to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and doing my business I go back into my room and head towards my closet where I pull on a pair of long yoga pants underneath Jakes shirt and going downstairs. "Morning." I mumble softly as I find Mark in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, the bags under his eyes tell me that he got little to no sleep last night causing a guilty feeling to rush through me. "Why didn't you tell me? Or Maury? Or even Jake, Ray. Why keep it a secret?" "I was planning on calling Anthony, to find out if there have been any changes in Noah's release date before worrying everybody. If it was just a sick joke to scare me, I would've caused everyone to worry for no reason, and if Anthony confirmed the changes, I would've told you, I promise." "2 Months." My hand pauses midway to the fridge at Marks words. "I just got off the phone with Anthony, Noah gets out in 2 months." "But, how? Why? He still has three years left!" I basically screamed. "Good behaviour and with a lot of push from his dad. He'll have to go to counselling, and he won't be allowed to come near you, but he's getting out Ray." Mark looks as defeated as I felt in that very moment. All the bad memories of two years ago came rushing towards me, igniting a burning rage within me, and I clung to the anger as I felt my heart sinking into my stomach. I snapped. "He did all that shit to me! He permanently damaged my body! I mean have you seen what my fucking back looks like! He fucking sexualy abused me every day for two weeks and he gets out after spending 23 months in prison?" Mark's face settles into a grimace at the reminder but I am to angry to care at this point. "After everything that fucker has put me through! After everything I had to do to fix the mess he caused! All the therapy, all the trips to the hospital! After losing a child I never even fucking wanted and feeling guilty because of that every day since, that piece of human shit gets out of fucking prison before he even served half of his time! He got five years! That's not nearly as much as the prick should've gotten, but that was my justice! And now even that gets taken away from me? How the fuck is that fair!" I was breathing heavily and when I saw Marks eyes flash to something behind me, I turned to see the stunned faces of Charlie, Keith and Brandon. I took a deep breath trying to relax myself, trying to find solid ground under my feet before opening my eyes again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys. I'll start on breakfast." Keith took a tentative step towards me. "Ray." I just held up my hand shaking my head. "Please, just let me make some breakfast." He sighed softly before nodding his head and motioning for the other two to leave the kitchen with him. I leaned my hands against the kitchen counter and took a few deep breaths before looking at Mark again. "So, what happens now?" "He won't hurt you again Raylan. I'll kill him before he gets the chance." "What am I supposed to do now Mark? They never found Sabastian, and I promise you he is going to try to finish what he started two years ago. If that guy at The Ring, knew who I was and knew about Noah, that means they have been watching me this entire time! Am I just supposed to carry on with my life?" "We'll figure something out Ray, I promise." Mark stands up before wrapping me in a tight hug and placing a kiss on my head, before pulling away and bending down so we were eye level. "I promise you I'll protect you this time, I failed last time, but I won't fail you again." I just give him a small smile before moving out of his arms and starting on breakfast for the guys. This was absolute bullshit and it was going to conpletely fuck up my life. Not to sound dramatic but what would you do if you knew the person who wantes to kill you was out on the streets again. Noah promised me he was going to kill be before I was saved, and I believed him, Sebastian was not going to let this go. He lost his son, and I walked away, he was going to need more than that. When the food was ready, I placed everything on the dining room table before calling the guys and making my way upstairs to wake Jake, but when I walk into my room, he was sitting on the edge of my bed, with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He looks up when I close the door behind me and give him a small smile. "I made breakfast." I state lamely not quite knowing what else to say as he stands up and walks towards me. "Good morning." He bends down and places a soft kiss on my lips before pulling me in for a tight hug. "Morning J." I state wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he lifts me up. "This is nice." He states lazily causing a small laugh to escape my lips. "Yes, it is. But I made food, and everyone is waiting for us." I state pulling back so I could see his face, he sighs softly before bending down and placing me back on my feet.

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