Chapter 18

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I woke up a few hours later to the sound of my phone ringing. I open my eyes to stare at Jake's chest before a blush coats my cheeks as I remember the events of last night. I quietly stand up before walking over to my purse that was laying on the floor by the bed, the caller ID read Landon, so I slipped out the door before answering. "Hey." "Ray, where are you? I came to your house, but Mark said you never came home." "Oh, well we came home quite late, so I decided to spend the night." "Are you with Keith and them?" Well no, I'm with Jake you remember, Brandons brother?" I quietly make my way downstairs in search of the kitchen while talking to Lan, when I finally find it, I stop to look around, the theme of the kitchen is a lot like the one back at the cottage. Big and open the main colour being white with modern stainless-steel appliances, and a few touches of bright colours spread around, like the green chopping board and the red kettle. "Why are you with him Ray?" "Well we kind of went on a date, and I think were together now." I answer as I start making a cup of coffee for Jake. "Really? Don't you think your moving things a bit fast Mouse?" I sigh as I lean against the counter waiting for the water to boil. "I dont know Lan; I've never felt like this before. He makes me happy, isn't that all that matters?" "No, Mouse I don't think that is all that matters, you barely know the guy and you are already spending the night at his house? That's moving things along quite quickly." "I'm happy Lan, I really am why are you making a big deal about this?" I ask as I pour the water into the mug. "I'm not making a big deal Mouse, I'm just stating my opinion and from where I am sitting, you are not being careful with this guy, I don't want you to end up with a broken heart." I smile as arms wrap around my waist from behind and lean my head against his chest as I breath in Jake's familiar scent. "If things don't work out that's my heartache to carry Lan, but for now I am enjoying being with him. He makes me happy, and if that is good enough for me, it should be good enough for you as well." I feel Jake stiffen behind me before he gently turns me around to face him. I give him a soft smile as I take my hand to softly smoothen out the frown between his eyebrows. "Are we going to talk about what happened yesterday with Kyla?" When he mentions her name my smile quickly slips off my face. "There is nothing to talk about Landon, you slept with her, tried to break it off and she didn't like it. It happens, she'll get over herself soon enough." "You know thats not what I'm talking about Mouse, what she said about Noah. I haven't seen you that mad since you went to trial." "If she was in love with him, and choses to believe I made everything up that is her problem Landon. The Noah that I know and the one she thinks she knows are two completely different people. If she is smart, she won't bring it up again." I say while resting my head against Jake's chest as he runs his hands through my hair, his entire body went stiff at the mention of Noahs name so I just place a soft kiss on his chest hoping to calm him down. "You smacked her across the face Mouse. Hard. And you never resort to violence." "Yes, I smacked her, and if she starts spewing shit about things, she doesn't know shit about I'll smack her again. I told her to leave me the fuck alone so lets hope she's smart enough to back off. This isn't some petty little issue of me stealing her crush if it was, I wouldn't have cared nor would I have reacted the way I did. What happened with Noah has nothing to do with her, it has nothing to do with anyone else for that matter. I won't stand and let some blown up bimbo call me a lair to my face just because you decided to fuck her and then wanted nothing to do with her. I have to go; I'll talk to you later." I say hanging up the phone and placing it on the counter. "Good morning." I smile up at Jake. "You okay?" I just nod when my phone lets out a ding, I grab it before looking at the text Mark just sent me.

Hi honey, hope you had fun last night. Im heading to the country club with Maury and a few others. Morgan claims he is in dire need of a men's night, so I won't be back until tomorrow. Stay safe. I love you.

"Good morning." Jake and I turn toward Keith as he walks into the kitchen. "What time did you guys even get home?" I ask silently hoping they werent home while I was screaming Jakes name last night. "Around 6 I think that friend of yours, Jodi, she knows how to party alright." "Well looks like you two had fun last night." Charlie grins causing me to look at him in confusion as he takes a seat by the kitchen island. "Tiny, you are only wearing his shirt, and man you left a nice hickey on little Jake's neck." I quickly look to where Charlie is pointing and see that I did in fact leave a big hickey on Jakes neck, the idiot in question is just standing there grinning like a loon. My cheeks turn red as I mumble a quiet sorry causing Jake to laugh softly. "No problem Sunshine. Why dont we go get ready then we can decide what were doing for the day?" I just nod sending a small wave towards Keith and Charlie as we start our way upstairs and back to Jake's room. "I can give you a pair of sweatpants, but there is no way in hell they are going to fit you." I just laugh while I start picking up our discarded clothes and folding my dress while Jake pulls on a pair of light blue jeans and a tight fitting red t-shirt, he pulls on a pair of ankle socks and then slips his feet into a pair of white converse. "It's fine I"ll stay like this, Mark won't be home until tomorrow, so if I go home like this no one will see me." I answer him as I start helping him make the bed. "So, you smacked a girl?" I turn to him as I finished placing the last pillow on the bed before relaying the entire story to him. When I'm done, he lets out a low whistle. "Yeah I think I would've smacked her as well." I just laugh before standing up from the bed we were sitting on and holding out my hand for him. "Come on. Lets go to my house so I can get some clothes, then if you want, we can do something today?" I ask with a shy smile, but he just grabs my hand before standing up and smiling down at me. "Sounds like a plan." I take my folded dress into my arm while my shoes are hanging from my fingertips as we make our eay out of his room. When we make our way into the kitchen Brandon spits out the sip of coffee he just took. "Jesus Little one ever hear of pants?" He asks while the rest of us laugh and Keith starts wiping down the counter where Brandon spat his coffee. "Shut up." I mumble softly before Jake comes to stand in front of me hiding me from the guy's view. "We're heading out. If you leave lock the house, and if you mess you clean it, I don't want to come home to your mess tonight." Jake simply states before taking my hand and pulling me from the room towards the front door I manage to shout a quick goodbye to the guys before walking next to Jake.

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