13/ music festival

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Max picked her a dress that fit her perfectly, it was a white dress with a converse. He picked her makeup and did her makeup carefully.

"I don't know how can you put makeup on me?" She asked, looking at him in the mirror, he made her beautiful.

"When you have a cousin like Eleanor and a mother who is in love with fashion, well you learn to be like that." He smirked, finished braiding her hair.

He had high academic scores, he was nice and is the captain of the soccer team, he was really good at treating her and he knew all the things that a woman loves.

"He doesn't deserve a freak like me." She thoughts.

"What are you thinking about, Jay?" He whispered and pushed the braid on the other side to kiss her shoulder softly.

"Nothing, I was just thinking how amazing you are." She said with a smile.

"Oh baby, you are amazing than me." He cooed and pecked her cheek, he didn't want to ruin the makeup that he did to her. He didn't put that much makeup anyway, she was naturally beautiful.

"If you think so." She shrugged and take her bag.

"Thank you, Max, for this." She blushed and licked her lips, Max grabbed her chin softly and places his lips, unable to control his urges.

"You're welcome, you better thank me in another way." He smirked, thinking at the bad things he wants to do to her, even his wolf is getting hard because of her body right next to him.

"Well that will be later, I have to go, Eleanor is waiting for me." She gave a wink to Max and take him downstairs, the house was quiet for the first time. Darby went to his campus and her father went to work while her mom is sleeping.

"Where is the music festival? Maybe when I have time, I could go there." Max suggested.

"Eleanor said it will be next to the forest." She said with worry, she heard rumours that there are creatures killing innocent people when they were partying? But then those are rumours so she doesn't know if it's fake or not.

Max tensed beside her, he was worried about them going next to the forest, he will make sure that a warrior will be behind them or maybe Keyton should be here, he will call him later.

He sighed and looked at his mate, "alright, be careful, baby."

"Don't worry, there will be no trouble." She said confidently, he chuckled and cupped her cheek.

"I mean it, Jayla, don't you dare do things that will get you in danger, if you sense any danger please call me or Giovanni, alright?"

"Pss, don't worry Max." She said shrugging off.

"I'm serious Jayla." He said sternly.

"Okay, I understand." She said quietly.

"Good girl." He said and left a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey, Max, mother was worried about you." Giovanni said behind them, they turned toward him and gasped as they saw what he was wearing.

"Seriously, man, you don't have fashion sense." Max insulted him.

"How dare you? I'm looking good." He said flashing a smile to Jayla who laughed, he was wearing brown pants and a flashy yellow shirt.

"I tried to tell him that he doesn't look good but whatever he didn't listen to me." Eleanor rolled her eyes, sitting in the driver seat, she was so pretty, she wore a grey bodysuit with glitter and her hair was in a tight bun.

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