Chapter 22

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Ghost From the Past

Arabelle pov


The citizens of the French Quarter all prepare themselves for Father Kieran's funeral service. A long line of community members and family, including Cami, Francesca, Genevieve, and Marcel, make their way to Father Kieran's open casket to pay their respects. Thomas and i arrived at the church without Inadu, i walk toward Camille and greet her. 

"I'm sorry, Camille, for you lost." She nods then she turns to look at the boy behind me. "Hi, Camille. I'm sorry for your uncle," Thomas said in awkward. Camille turns to look at me in confusion, i patted her shoulder and lean forward. "Yes, he is a vampire. I did change him."  



At Rousseau's, the Quarter is throwing an Irish-style wake in his honour, complete with Irish music, lots of alcohol, and tons of people who have gathered to share stories of Father Kieran and celebrate his life. I found my twin sits alone at a table with a glass of scotch and is joined by his crush. "Don't you think it's kinda rude? To celebrate a death priest with a party?" Thomas leans closer to me then looking around the Rousseau's, "Welcome to New Orleans!" i patted his shoulder before walking to Niklaus. 

"Niklaus..." i slid into the side after Camille leaves. "Niklaus, what kind of creature has pissed you off now?" Snatching his glass, "Mikael." I arched my brow at him as he continues to sulk and drink at his table as he glances over at someone. Marcel. Marcel sees the photos of Father Kieran, Sean, and Cami by the bar, and grabs a bottle of scotch to make a toast to the entire party.

"I know I haven't been around these parts lately. It's a testament to Father Kieran that we could come together and share a drink, and a story or two. Kieran rolled into town on a rusty old cruiser after his daddy died twenty-five years ago. And damnit, that guy could party!" He and the audience laughs, "that was, of course, before he took his vows. But, even then, he was committed to the Quarter. He knew that this town needed him. And, we still do." He raises his glass, "to Father K!" 

"To Father K." 

The party drinks in his honour and goes back to their festivities. Camille seems to become overwhelmed by the atmosphere and rushes into the back room to cry and be alone then Elijah comes to join us. "Seems rather uncivilized, to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one."

Elijah pours himself a drink, "yes, far better to practice your process of grief, Niklaus--denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements." I raise my glass in agreement, Hayley joins us at the table and sits down beside me, "I will have to warn you, Hayley. Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today," i said to her. 

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