we are basically just rewriting the plot so I can be sad

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Im time skipping I don't remember what I fucking wrote that much so get ready for shit that makes no sense 🥱


Time skip about a month, Aizawa is out of the hospital, still in a wheelchair and cast for his leg, which was nearly crushed in the wreck. Hisashi is better.

(I'm pretty sure I killed off Deku's dad? And mom? Lmk if I'm right)


Izuku sat on the couch, the family's cat, stormy, sitting on his lap as he scrolled instagram. Things had slowed down a bit and things were going okay. There was still a worldly pandemic going on, which was concerning but normal at this point. He had sealed with so much since the beginning of the year.

It was nice to relax, midway into october he kept the windows open to let in the chilly air. He liked huddling up under the blankets and enjoying the small chill it gave him, especially if he had a warm drink like hot chocolate or tea.

The vibes were immaculate. He had been clean for a while now, Aizawa and Hisashi keeping a very close eye on him most of the time.

He liked a picture of a frog.

He watched as a notification slid down from the top of his screen, absently minded he clicked on it

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He watched as a notification slid down from the top of his screen, absently minded he clicked on it.


-hey can we talk when you get a minute?

Yeah what's up is everything okay?
Read 11:38am


Izuku waited for a while, anxiety growing within him as he wondered what could possibly be happening and why it was taking him so long to respond.

Did he get corona? Is he getting quarentined? Am I getting quarentined? Is his family okay? Did his dad do something to him?

He continuously pushed away the thought of the fact that he could be breaking up with him away. Shoto wouldn't do that. They loved eachother.

The notification finally came.


-im struggling alot. I feel like you aren't present and that I'm just, detached. I'm so anxious about everything right now, especially about us being together and that my dad is going to find out. So much has been going on with me emotionally right now and I feel like I'm not good enough for you.

I'm really sorry I'm just so scared and I can't handle it. I feel like being together is putting us both in a worse place mentally than it should. I have to worry about my dad finding out and you have to worry about me. I'm sorry I just don't think I'm in the right place emotionally to be with you right now.
Read 11:46am

Izuku got up and walked to his room as he read the message, closing the door behind him. The farther he went the more tears swelled in his eyes. He knew it wasn't his fault but for once he felt good enough and now that feeling wasn't there anymore.

He knew Shoto had said it wasn't his fault but it felt like it was his fault. He could have helped more or done something to make him feel more appreciated.

The realization that all he had done for Todoroki was make him carry more baggage hit him hard. But he acted like he was fine, he acted like it didn't hurt. He acted like he wanted to talk to him still. Despite his shaking body and twitchy fingers he responded.


That's okay! Take your time. I understand and I'm sorry you feel that way. Please let me know if there is anything you need at all. I'm always here for you! I've been in your situation before and I know how overwhelming and scary it is. I know you feel like it's best for us to split right now but I have a question.

Do you still like me?

I promise it'll be okay and I'm not mad at all I completely understand. Please remember that I'm here for you and so is my family especially Aizawa since he's your teacher. You should never have to go through anything alone, even in that means that we aren't dating.

Are you okay? If you aren't it's okay just remember that you are cared about and that people are here for you, I know everyone in 1A would be happy to support and help you, especially Ochaco, Iida and them!


Tears were streaming down his face and he was shaking. He quickly got up and locked himself in the bathroom. He didn't know why it had always been a safe space for him. Safer than his room, which didn't have a lock. Not because his parents took it away it just didn't come with it. His bathroom had a lock though. He was safe there. It was a private place. He turned on the fan to drown out the noise of him sobbing. He sat in the bathtub as he awaited his response.



I can't tell how I feel about anyone anymore. Everything is just off. There are times when I become overwhelmingly mad at everyone, even my closest friends for no reason. It makes me think I hate them, even though I really appreciate them. And even you. I just  can't tell. Everything feels cloudy. My feelings towards everyone. Like it's all blurred out

Thanks for understanding, it felt good to get that off my chest. And maybe later we can try again. I put alot of thought into this and I think we can be happier this way

Yeah of course :)

Deku sobbed. What did he not understand? He wasn't happier this way. He felt so useless. His hands itched to wield a weapon.

Weapons didn't always come in the shape of swords and guns.

He grabbed his razor and slit thin lines in his thigh, the sting pressuring him to stop.

Guilt tugged at his throat. His sobbing loud. He heard a knock at the door.

"Kid? You okay? Unlock the door please, you'll be okay."

Aizawa always knew what to say. Deku slowly unlatched the door. Small beads of blood slowly dripping out of the cuts he made underneath his loose basketball shorts. The razor was still in his hand.

Aizawa entered and sat down next to him, engulfing him in a hug, slowly pulling the razor out of his hands. He didn't resist.

"What's going on?"

Anyways impulsive vent chapter. 🙄✨

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now