question: webtoon?

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Making a chapter/not chapter about this so more than my followers can see this:

Would anyone here be interested in me making a webtoon?

(Comment here for yes just to be organized) -->

I'm a bit hesitant to start one because I'm not sure how the algorithm works on there, but I'm thinking about making a comedy one or a thriller genre, but I'm leaning more towards comedy because it would work more with my artstyle and the way I think/write.

Like would y'all actually read it or like, cuz I want it to do good and not just sit on webtoon abandoned for months with no one seeing it at all (once again I don't know how the algorithm works)😃

Also Wattpad would be my biggest platform to advertise on because I get the most views on things I create here.

Thank you, new chapter should be up sometime this week (:

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