Chapter 24

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A/N: I rewrote parts of this chapter.

1. Nagisa was born and lived in Russia until she was adopted.

2. Nagisa's father name has been changed from Auki Shiota to Irek Semenov (I made him Russian so now Nagisa is half Russian)


Fun facts with this update:
1. Despite being half Japanese, Nagisa didn't speak Japanese until she was 11
2. Nagisa had to attend a special needs school so she could learn Japanese.
3. The special needs school didn't work and Nagisa was eventually taught Japanese by Irina.
4. Touka and Hinami were the only ones who learned Russian to talk to Nagisa before she could speak Japanese.
5. Nagisas birth name was not Nagisa Shiota (her mother refused to let any sort of Japanese culture into her house, this includes Nagisas birth name)

~Karma POV~

I have to admit that going to Nagisas house was a lot less nerve-racking than I thought it would be, them being a family of assassins and all. It was actually a lot of fun. Nagisa never really did talk to me about who that woman was though. I got enough to be able to tell that's Nagisa's birth mother. I knew Nagisa was adopted but I figured it was because her parents died but that clearly isn't the case.

Nagisa texted me this morning telling me that she wouldn't be at school today. I almost decided to ditch but I figured that this would be the perfect time to ask Ritzu for answers on Nagisas past that she won't tell us since we knew Karasuma and Professor Bitch wouldn't be there either, for the same reason as Nagisa. Work.

I messaged the rest of the class and we decided that we would try to find information on Nagisa during lunch while Korosensei is traveling the world for food.

The bell signaling lunch rings and at nearly the same time Korosensei is gone.

"Ritzu?" Nakamura asks.

Ritzu gives an electronic sigh, "Pulling it up."

But before she pulls it up Ritzu states, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"We need to know Ritzu," Kayano mumbles.

"Wow, she could attend this school even if it wasn't an assignment," Ritzu states, "She's definitely playing dumb."

"What?" I ask.

Ritzu finally pulls up the file on Nagisa.

Shiota-Yoshimura, Nagisa - Python - Leadership Government Assassin - ID #8726534

DOB: July 20th, 2020 - 15 years
Height: 5'2" // 159cm
Weight: 106lbs // 48kg


Languages Spoken: Russian, Hebrew, Japanese, English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Mandarin, Latin, Sign Language

Math Scores: 986/1000
Language Scores: 1000/1000
Science Scores: 975/1000
Technology Scores: 997/1000
Engineering Scores: 984/1000

Estimated IQ: 145

Trained in: Snipers, Swords, Knives, Hand Guns, Hand To Hand, Karate, Jujutsu, Taekwondo, Judo, Gymnastics

Mile Score: 00:5:15
Fire Arm Score: 92/100
Close-Combat Score: 99/100

==Legal Documentation==

Born July 20th, 2020 in Moscow, Russia to Hiromi Shiota and Irek Semenov

Victim of child abuse and molestation until adopted at the age of 8 by Senior Leader Assassin Quizin Yoshimura and Senior Travel Leader Assassin Ukina Yoshimura on June 14th, 2028

Assessed in the conviction of Hiromi Shiota for Child Abuse on September 23rd, 2028

Assessed in the conviction of Irek Semenov for Molestation on September 26th, 2028

Received passport September 30th, 2028

Became Japanese citizen October 1st, 2028

Name changed to Nagisa Shiota-Yoshimura October 2nd, 2028

Started attending judge required Therapy October 4th, 2028

Prescribed Antidepressants and Anxiety Medication on November 14th, 2028

Prescribed Insomnia Medication December 23rd, 2032

Filed Sexual Assult Charges on Ichiro Shinigami August 23rd, 2033 -- Charges dropped by court November 3rd, 2033


Hired for Teen Assassination task force August 15th, 2032 with outstanding scores in Athletics, Stationary and Moving Target Shooting, and STEM Fields.

Fire Arm clearance granted September 1st, 2032

Promoted to Leadership Assassin June 10th, 2033

Click here for Medical Records

Click here for School Records

Click here for Travel Records

Click here for Work Records

I take a step back as I finish reading what Ritzu was showing us, "Oh my god."

"I told you that you probably didn't want to read it," Ritzu says as she takes the file off the screen.

"I didn't know she went through all that," Kanzaki mutters.

"None of us did," I mumble.




The Blue Python [Assassination Classroom Fanfic] [Karma X Fem!Nagisa]Where stories live. Discover now