Part 1

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Part 1

Today all the cast was going to film the prom episode in season 4. Lili and Cole got up and went to have breakfast.

L: morning Cole.
C: morning Lils

They got dressed and went to set. It was all normal until they arrived to set.

There were people cover up like if there was something very bad happening, just if they were in a surgery. It was scary. It all was like a movie but in real life.

When they saw everything they went straight to Roberto who was in the room. They were wearing a mask. But why? The coronavirus wasn't here yet. ( hehe lie )

C: What's happening here? And why are you wearing the masks?
L: Yeah....
R: You should wear them too.

Then he handed them to masks, one each. They were with a strange face. They didn't know what was happening.

R: Haven't you seen the news ?

They shook their heads.

R: It looks like. Just come with me to the meeting. We are gonna say some important things. And then you are going to understand why all of this.
L and C: Okay...

They followed Roberto to a big space. They thought they were going  to their typical meeting room, but they weren't right. They went to a big space with chairs separated one to each other.

L: I'm scared cole...

Lili whispered to Cole in his ear.

C: It's gonna be okay Lils, I promise. ( oh cole.... )

He then took her hand and squeezed it hard. Lili felt better knowing she was with him.

In the room was the rest of the cast waiting for them. All wearing masks and in the distance. They sat down and Roberto started to talk.

R: so as you may know, these two don't.

He said pointing to Cole and Lili. They looked at each other confused.

R: The virus has arrived in Canada and the USA, so the authorities had said we have to shut down the set.
EVERYONE: What !?!?
R: As much as i don't want to I have to because we have to protect ourselves and everyone else.
M: Are we going home then ?
R: yes, but it's going to be difficult to find flights to the States now, so you should wait some time. Now you can go. ( they talk about other things but I'm lazy to write it heheh )

They all went home. When Cole and Lili arrived there wasn't any good news waiting for them....

Love through lockdown - sprousehartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang