Part 5

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Some days passed and the two lovebirds didn't talk for a bit. Lili decided to not call him, but she was still thinking about him and if they broke up in the first place. The thing that neither of them knew.

Cole wasn't still talking to anyone. He was with his own self thinking if he did it. He was confused, obviously, and didn't know what happened that night. Was he really kissing her in the picture, or it was just the angle.

On the other hand of the problem, the fans. I told you they had one big fandom just for them. But they were a little problematic and not stupid. They obvius noticed that Cole and Lili hadn't posted recently together and that strenged them, because they thought they would be in lockdown together ( heheh no ).

They started making up rumors about a break up. They weren't wrong but right either. This all rumors got to the journalist and they wrote tons of articles about it. And obviously Cole and Lili saw them. That didn't help their relationship status. And neither their carrier.

But this was the time for them to talk. To say something about what was going on. Were they still in love or not? Did they break up ? What was going to happen with them?

Cole didn't have the courage for making the first move so Lili did it. It was awkward.

On text:

L: Hello Cole....

C: Hi...

L: I think we should talk, it's been more that a month. And I need to know.

C: ik, but I don't know what to tell you...

L: Do you have something to say ?

C: I thinkI do... but I can't through text... it's important. Something I could've told you when you looked at the pics.

L: okay...

C: But I don't know if what I'm thinking is true or not. I just want to think it's true.

L: I'm going to hear you. But we can't meet because we are in lockdown. ANd we also have to talk to the press for those articles that are going to ruin our career.

C: Ik. When can you make a video call ?

L: Maybe tomorrow... as soon as possible.

C: ok. Bye

L: *read*

Off text.

Lili left him on read... she was broken. That conversation was the most awkward thing they did in their lives.

Lili didn't want to talk, but she had to. And also, she did want to see his face, although he wasn't in his best place. Not like Lili, because she was taking care of herself.

That night neither of them slept well. They were nervous because of the next day's conversation. What was going to happen with them ?

Love through lockdown - sprousehartUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum