Part 11

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Lilis call:
L: who is this?
?: hi I'm calling because you need to stay at the place you are right know. We are doing COVID test and we don't want to spread anything if you have something.
L: But I'm not at home. I don't have clothes here.
?: I'm sorry miss we can't do anything.
Off the call

Lili was with a  surprise face. What was going to happen then. They weren't in that good terms. Cole wasn't. It was all gonna be awkward. Or maybe they will have fun ( not that fun dirty minds, well maybe.)

They had to talk about what was going to happen. And how were they going to work... because Cole's apartment only had one room. His room.

C: what are we going to do Lili?

L: We can't do anything. I'm stuck here...

She said with an upset voice.

C: Lili...can we not make this harder than what it's already?

L: yeah . . . i'm sorry. It's not your fault. IT'S  ALL BECAUSE ALL THIS STUPID VIRUS THAT IS RUNNING OUR LIVES.

C: I know. But just like you said we can't do anything about it. We just have to leave with it.

Lili kept in silence. She hadn't anything to say. But it wasn't awkward. They were just thinking about everything.

C: I'll sleep on the couch... remember I only have one room ?

L: true... but I won't let you sleep on the couch. I will.

C: Lili really. I don't mind. And you deserve sleeping on a bed.

L: And why won't we sleep both on the bed. Yesterday we slept together on the same bed. It's like we haven't slept  together ever, have we ?

C: that's true. So if you don't mind....

L: I don't mind really.

C: so we will sleep together, well on the same bed as friends.

L: as friends...

The rest of the afternoon was silent. The y watched tv until it was time for bed.

L: I'm tired Cole. I'm going to sleep now.

C: okay. I'm tired to I'll come in a minute.

Lili was looking for her pj's. But she didn't find them. Did Lili bring something to Cole's?

L: Cole!!!

C: What happen?

L: we have another problem...

C: Yeah ?

L: I don't have anything to wear here. Only what I'm wearing now.

C: that problem solution is you using my clothes and I don't have any problem.

L: okay...

Cole walked out of the room and Lili opened Cole's closet. She knew exactly what she was going to wear. She helped to bought practically everything so she knew her favs. Then she went to bed. But she felt lonly.

Then Cole walked into the room. He took out his clothes and kept his boxers. He also went to bed. 

Lili was still awake and noticed how he was only on his boxers. She felt awkward. bUt she could't say anything.

When Cole thought Lili was asleep he said:

C: good night Lils sleep well.

But she heard. And felt the best thing ever in her heart.

( Hope you are liking it and thank you so much for 800 followers in insta. LOVE YOU.AND TAKE CARE)

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