Part 19

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They got home and went to Coles apartment. They sat on the couch and started talking.

Lia: What did the doctor say?

L: He said that everything seems to be okay and that I'm not pregnant.

Lia: I'm so happy for you.

L: Thanks Lia.

Lili stood up and went to hug her. She was feeling okay. She felt okay with her. Lili wanted to know more about her.

L: we never had the chance to get to know you.

Lia: True. What do you want to know?

C: This is going to be an interesting conversation, but I'm gonna call the police and tell all the cast members to be alert about him. And remember me that I have to kick his ass, okay lils?

L: Yeah love...

Then Cole stood up and walked towards Lili to kiss her head. 

C: I'll be right back baby.

L: okay...

He walked out of the roo.

- Lili and Lias conversation-

L: I'll start.

Lia: ok.

L: How old are you?

Lia: I'm 15.

( ik I said she was 18 but this fits better with the story line)

L: And you live alone? at that young age?

Lia: actually... I didn't live alone till now. My parents are dead. The virus killed them. And because of quarantine I couldn't say good bye to them.

L: I'm sorry Lia. I didn't know that.

Lia: No one knows it a part from me and now you.

L: Can I do something for you?

Lia: No, just get better with your own problems. That's gonna make me happy.

L: Ok.

Lili smiled at the teenager trying not to cry. And then hug her tight to comfort her. All of this because of the fucking stupid virus.

-Coles conversation-

Cole went to his bedroom and called immediately the police.


P: 911 what's your emergency?

C: I know I'm calling late. My girlfriend was yesterday raped by Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa. You need to take him.

P: We'll do what we can. What's the name of your girlfriend?

C: she is Lili Pauline Reinhart.

P: Ok thank you. We'll call you when we get him.

C: Thank you.

He hung up the phone then he texted everyone in the cast. They couldn't believe it  and were so sorry for Lili. 

While sending the messages Lili walked into the room anxious and with tears in her eyes.

C: why are you crying love?

L: we need to do something...for Lia.

C: I know she has helped you so much.

L: Not just for that. She just told me she has lost her parents because of the virus. And I have this connection with her that I haven't had it with anyone. 

She was talking very fast. She was sure but also scared of Coles rection.

L: I know this is crazy but I want to adopt her. Or maybe just let her live with us for some yime.

C: okay.

L: Okay? Just like that? 

C: Just like that?

( just quoted a bughead scene in season 2 )

C: I feel that connection too. The connection of having to protect her. Just like daughter.

L: I love you Cole.

C: I love you too Lils.

Then they went where Lia was. She was still crying and she smiled a bit seeing Lili smiled at her. Then they started talking.

C: so Lia... She told me what happened with your parents and I'm sorry.

Lia: thank you

L: and we are happy because we made a decision. And we hope you like that too.

Lia: what is it?

L and C: We want you to live with us and at some point adopt you.

Lia stayed quite and then ran out of the apartment. She didn't like the idea, right?

( So with this I want you to know that if you don't wear a mask people die. The virus is spreading and vulnerable people die because of YOU if you don't wear a mask. That's it. Hope you are liking this . AND TYSM FOR 1000 I STILL DON'T BELIVE IT. Stay save)

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