Part 14 ;)

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They woke up tired because neither of them slept well that night. Thinking about everything. Lili wanted to confess her feelings, the same has his. Bits she also wanted to have some space and then be together again. And that space was going to be difficult to maintain because of the situation they were in.

Cole woke up first and went to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom Lili also woke up a little worried about were was him, but the she heard the tank sound and knew he was at the bathroom.

Then Cole entered the silent room in which Lili was thinking on the bed.

C: Good morning Lils

L: Lils...

She whispered and Cole heard." I missed that so much." She thought.

C: Do you feel good if I call you that ?

L: yeah... more than good....

C: okay...

L: Actually. Cole. I want to talk about something after breakfast....

C: okay. Do I have to worry ?

L: no. Of course not. Just, can you make breakfast pleaseee. I have to get dressed and everything.

C: yeah.

L: okay thanks

C: no problem.

Lili smiled. She had decided what she was going to tell him. She hoped it was the best decision.

She took some Cole clothes and brushed her teeth with and extra tooth brush he had in the bathroom. Then she brushed her hair and she was ready for breakfast.

She went to the kitchen and Cole had cooked her favourites. Chocolate pancakes. He knew she liked that a lot. So she smiled more than ever.

L: thank you so much for this Cole. I really appreciate it. And it confirms more my decision.

C: could you tell me that ?? I'm anxious!!

L: no sorry. After I will.

C: okay...

They ate breakfasts. It was all delicious ( bc Cole made it duhhh) And then they went to the couch for a long or short talk.

They were looking at each other.

L: so Cole.... like I told you... I made a decision.

C: and that is ?

L: remember yesterday.... you told me you loved me. And wanted me to be okay?

C: yeah.

L: Sooo I LOVE YOU COLE SPROUSE. I never stopped.

Then he leaned in and kiss her passionately. That kiss was feel of love and passion for each other. They loved each other more than ever. That kiss tired in to a make out but that didn't last long because someone was at the door.

C: who's that? Weren't we supposed to stay at home.

L: yeah that was supposed.

They got off of the couch and went to open the door.

What the hell was he doing here!?!?!

( Hope you like it :)))) and love youuu )

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