Part 20

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Lia stayed quite and then ran out of the apartment. She didn't like the idea, right?

After Lia ran Cole and Lili stood up, Cole was running after her but he heard a noice. Something fell on the ground. He turned around to see Lili on the floor practically unconscious but still awake. He ran to her.

C:Lili?!? Are you okay?!? Stay awake. Stay awake.

L: C-Cole can you bring me to the bathroom. I want to puke.

C: yes Love.

He took her in his arms and brought her to the bathroom. And placed her next to the toilet. She huddled the toilet and started puking. What was happening to her? Cole rubbed her back and place her hair in his hands to keep it clean.

After sometime of her puking she started to talk.

L: can you go see lia please? She need you more than I do.

C: no Lili. Do you see yourself? Until your are not asleep on bed I'm not going anywhere.

L: okay... can you bring me to bed ?

C: You sure?

She nodded, so he took her and brought her to bed. She felt bad her stomach hurt a lot and she was nauseous all the time, but after some time she feel asleep. Cole gave her a kiss on the forehead then said:

C: relax my love. You need to rest.

Then he went to Lias apartment. But before he looked his to protect Lili from everyone. When he arrived to her apartment the door was looked so he knocked and got a crying response.

Lia: w-who is this?

She said crying a lot.

C: it's me Cole. Can we talk.

She stayed quite and then opened the door. Cole ran directly to hug the crying teenager in front of him.

Lia: where's Lili ?

C: she is resting.

Lia: did something happen to her ?

C: yeah.... she fell on the floor and puked a lot. She told me to come to talk to you.

Lia: can I go see her ?

C: yeah. But first we need to talk.

Lia: can we talk later? I need to see her. She means a lot to me.

C: okay....

Lia ran to Cole's apartment. She couldn't enter though. When Cole arrived he unlocked the door and let Lia enter. She went directly to their room and saw Lili laying on the bed completely pale. She shouted for help.


Cole ran to the room and took Lili. He brought her to the car.

Lia: keep me updated. I can't go to the hospital because of the virus. I will waiting here. And when she wakes up tell her that I do want you to adopt me. I feel that connection too. I just felt weird thinking about it.

Cole smiled to her.

C: okay. I'll keep you updated. Bye.

Lia nodded. Cole turned the car in and drove fast to the hospital while Lili was asleep. When they got to the emergencies place. He started shouting.


The doctors came as soon as possible and brought her to a room. They didn't want to let Cole in but he insisted.

C: I'm coming with her. She need to see me when she wakes up. She is an anxious person.

And they let him. They started doing some test. She still asleep. Until the got the results and they woke her up.

C: i have some big news to tell you. You are gonna love them. But all after the doctor says the results of your tests.

She nodded quietly.

D: so we've been doing some test and the results affirms that....

( I leave it there. Hope you like it and are enjoying. Stay save. Love y'all)

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