Part 24

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After dinner, neither of them were tired, so they sat on the sofa and started watching a romantic movie. Just because there was a teenager and Lili that she love that type, so Cole just had to live with it.

Some time later Lia had fallen asleep. Cole carried her and placed her carefully on bed and tucked her in.

Lila was still awake. This was the only time alone they had had since they got back together. It was silent. But comfortable. She was laying in between her boyfriends legs, with her head in his tummy. And him comforting her rubbing his fingers through her hair. They were comfortable. They hadn't talked without Lia for a long time and it was the right moment to do it.

C: Lils..
L: yeah love ?
C: do you really want this baby ?
L: yeah.... I feel like it's gonna be yours and not of that bitch. But I need you to be right by my side.
C: I will be here for you. I will never let you go.

Lili turned around and smiled at him. Then added.

L: Do you want to give Lia your surname?
C: you serious!?!?

The smile that he already for looking at her grew more with what Lili added.

C: Of course I want to!!!
L: okay. So we will tell her tomorrow.

Lili got up of the position she was in and laid on Cole's body. Face to face. Their breathing connecting. Their eyes connecting. Every peace of their body connecting. Looking at each other. Breathing heavily at the time. Leaning in centimetre by centimetre. Until their lips collapsed. The most passionate kiss they could ever had. There it was the love they had for each other. They were showing it to the right person.

The kiss lasted for 5 minutes and it turned into make out session. Not hot to be honest. But it was filled with love. Everything they would ever ask of.

This was cut off when the phone rang. Cole's phone rang.

L: who is it love ?

Cole looked at his phone.

C: it's my brother. I'm not taking that now. Do you want to cuddle with me Lili ?
L: oki.

They took another comfortable position and stayed like that for 5 more minutes until the phone rang again. And it was the same person, Dylan.

L: take it Cole. Maybe it's important....
C: I will

He took it and it wasn't an emergency. It was just Dylan being worried about his brother.

C: what do you want Dylan ?
D: oh oh. How rude. I just wanted to know how my brother is, because I haven't heard from you since you called me to talk about the Lili thing.

It wasn't in speaker but Lili was right next to it so she heard it.

L: what about me ?
C: wait. Dylan Lili is here. Do you maybe wanna video call with us?
D: yeah, of course.

Cole turned the camera and Dylan did too. Cole started to smile, the result of not having seen his brother in a while.

D: I guess everything is alright now?
L: you guess right... although  a lot happened in the last few days.
D: what exactly?
C: Lili is pregnant....
L: you are guessing wrong now dyl.
D: why?
L: this baby isn't Cole's.... kj raped me. And here is the result.

Some tears started to show as she remembered that night. One of the worst nights of her life, in which she met another person that changed her life.

D: I'm sorry Lili.
C: but as a result from this another amazing thing happened....
L: yeahhh
C: we met this amazing teenager...

Cole didn't finish the sentence, because someone walked into the room. Lia in fact, the person they were talking about walked into the room. She had just woken up and had a sleepy face.

Lia: who are you talking to ?
L: it's Dylan. Coles brother. Soon to be your uncle.

Dylan heard the last part.

D: UNCLE ?!?!

He said with the biggest smile on his face. He was full with joy, just like everyone else in the room.

C: yep, uncle. Do you want to tell him Lia?
Lia: ok...

She walked towards them. Then she sat down on Bettys legs placing her head on Lilis shoulder. She was ready.

Lia: hi. I'm Lia. I met Lili when kj....
L: he knows that part.
Lia: ok. So we met and we had this connection, like mother with daughter, and the same with Cole.
C: no you dumb. Father.
Lia: yeah. Some week ago my parents died....

Lia wanted to cry so bad. But she didn't because Lili was comforting her while talking. She calmed down a bit.

Lia: it was all because of the virus. And the decided to adopt me. And I am really happy about it.

She finished smiling.

D: I am happy to be your uncle Lia. You are gonna get spoil with me.

They started laughing. The best feeling ever. Love.

( the last thing is shitty but I had to end this part ;) Hope you are liking it and love you all. STAY SAFE )

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