Part 16

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L: I have to find him...

Lia: find who ?

L: My frie-boyfriend. Kj knocked him. I-I think he is still on the floor.

Lia: Are you sure you want to go? The question is: are you strong enough for going now?

L: Not really... It hurts a lot...But I need to see if he is okay.

Lia: Do you want me to go and see if he is okay?

L: If you could...? But I don't want to stay here alone. I'm scared...

Lia: Understandable. . .mmmm. . . I can lock the door and you will be safe. No one could enter here.

L: Ok... you sure you want to go?

Lia: Yeah, of course. I want to help you. You deserve to be helped. Where does he live?

L: H-he lives at the floor 3, apartment 33.

Lia: Ok. I'll come with him.

L: Thank you.

Lia: No problem.

Lia got out of the apartment and locked the door with the key. Then she put it in her pocket. She went up in the elevator and run to Cole's room. It was already opened. But you couldn't see Cole where Lili told her he was. She entered the apartment and search for him, until Lia found him on bed with another girl taking care of him. '' isn't Lili his girlfriend'' she thought confused. Then she got in the room. And the girl that Lia didn't know noticed her.

?: Who are you and what are you doing at my boyfriends apartment? Was it you the one who punched him?

Lia: WHAT!?!? Of course not. And I know for a fact that you aren't his girlfriend. So get off so I can carried him to her GIRLFRIEND.

?: How do you know I am not her girlfriend.

Lia; because I know the real one. SO NOW GET THE FUCK OFF. Thank you.

The girl got out of the bed Cole was in. He was unconscious. Lia tried to wake him up.

Lia: Cole. Cole. Can you please open your eyes. I need you to open your eyes.

He started opening his eyes. He was confused, because he didn't know Lia.

C: who are you??

Lia: I'm lia. I am here to help you. You also need to get to Lili.

?:that bitch.


?: his girlfriend.

C:what the hell are you saying?!? You will never be my girlfriend Jennifer. NEVER.

Lia: see.

Then Jennifer left the apartment leaving Cole and Lia alone.

Lia: but we really need to go. She can't be alone for much more time.

C: did something happen to her??

Lia: I think she should tell you...

C: okay...

Cole got up as quickly as he could and then headed out to lias apartment. She was behind. Cole was anxious. He was scared something really bad happened to Lili which in fact did. She had been raped.

When they got to the apartment. Lia opened the door. As they opened they see an asleep Lili shaking of fear. Cole ran to her and gave her a big hug.

Lili:d-don't t-touch m-me.

She said to Cole crying. She was hurt.

C: Lili it's me Cole.

She didn't care. She didn't want anyone to touch her. She had been traumatized by Kj.

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