Part 33

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Some moths later

Lili had been 9 moth pregnant then. She was about to go on labor. They still didn't know the gender, no labour the doctors didn't say it, they didn't know it because they wanted it to be a surprise. They were so nervous. They were going to be parents in some weeks or even days. They couldn't believe it. And although Cole wasn't the biological dad, he felt like it. He had been spending all the time he could with Lili helping and taking care of her. Every women would want a boyfriend like Cole.

Kj hadn't much, he just threatened them again, so he got prison. And talking about the social media and this strong fandom that I told you about, well they were still alive and there, Cole and Lili announced that they were still together because some paparazzi got them walking down the street with their hands together and another pic of them kissing, so it was obvious. The thing that the fans didn't know about and hoped ever find out, that the baby Lili was caring wasn't Cole's. That's was a secret that only their close friends would know.

They finished recording season five. And bughead was rising, like most of the fans wanted. So that meant there were a lot of kissing between Cole and Lili a thing they liked a lot. Another thing that they  added to the show was Lilis pregnancy. Betty was also pregnant in the show. ( #BUGHEADENDGAME ) And talking about what happened when kJ got in prison, they weren't replacing anyone so they killed Archie.

And you may be wondering. Where is Lia? She couldn't move to Vancouver in that time. But now that Cole and Lili were in la working on other things she was with them. The pandemic was a bit more calm and there were not that much of cases as the beginning, all because people took it seriously and wore their masks.

Also the wedding. They planed on getting married after the baby was born, so Lili could have her dream dress and could drink and do other things she wouldn't have done if she was pregnant.

This normal day. Lili and Cole were off of work and Lia at school. Lili started to get pain on her tummy. She knew it was the moment.

C: yes Love ? Do you need anything?  What ha- 

She cut him off shouting in pain.

L: I think it's time!!!
C: for what!!
L: the fucking baby Cole!! I'm on labour!!
C: oh I'm sorry.

He ran to the room to take the bags. And then helped Lili getting up. They went to the car and then directly to the hospital. The doctors took her into a room and took her clothes on and put a hospital gown on her. She was in pain and you could see it in her eyes, Cole noticed and went to take her hand. He squeezed it and gave it a peck. The said:

C: it is all gonna be ok love. Just breath.

She did what he said and was bit more calmed down. After some hours she was ready to have. She was ready to have the baby.

D: so when I say push, push as much as you can and then you'll have a little break and the you have to push again, ok ?

Lili nodded anxiously. The doctor said push. She started pushing as much as she could. Cole right next to her with his hand covering one of her hands and the other rubbing her back. After some time of pushing and having little breaks the baby was born. On the 10/11/2020 baby Anna was born. A beautiful girl with all the genes of her mother. She had big green eyes and the little hair you could see was blond just like her mother.

Just after seeing her face Cole and Lili were the happiest people on earth. Their little girl wasn't crying in fact she had her eyes closed with a little smile on her face. Cole was so proud of his fiancee. She had created the cutest baby ever, and he could be his dad, not by blood but by heart.

C: I'm so proud you love. Look at this precious baby. She is just like you.

Cole said while kissing his girlfriend. And then the little girl on the forehead. Lili didn't have words. She was almost crying of happiness.

After some time of them alone, they called everyone that could come, only Lia. Because all the virus thing no one could go to visit them and it was sad but a least all the family was together.

When Lia got there she had a big, and I say big smile on her face. She saw her little sister and went immediately to kiss her on the forehead.

Some days later.

They were now at home. In one moth they were getting married. That was the last big step in their life they knew about. But at least they were happy, they didn't know what the future was bringing them, so they were living the moment with the family and enjoying each other's company. That was the best thing.

( tomorrow I'll post the last part of this 🥺 Hope u like it and love y'all. Tell me what u think pls)

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