Part 28

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The next morning they woke up all together cuddling in bed. It was the cutest thing ever. Lilis tummy was hurting a bit. And she was trying not to say anything about it. But Cole noticed.

C: are you ok baby ?
L: yeah, I am. It's just my tummy hurts a little, but I think it's normal.
C: hope so.

Cole turned to face Lili, and leaned in for a kiss, they kissed not remembering Lia was there. And of course she saw them kissing, she felt awkward.

Lia: guys, I'm still here.

Cole and Lili gasped at the words. Then they started laughing. All of them had a big smile on their faces.

L: sorry liii. We will be more privet the next time.
Lia: please.

They started laughter again, until Lili sight when she was hurt.

C: do you wanna eat something, maybe that's why it hurts?
L: maybe it is.

Cole got up, went to the bathroom, got changed and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast while Lia and Lili were still cuddling on bed. After Cole made breakfast, he brought it to bed and they ate everything while watching the news, something important was happening.
( MW: news women )

NW: lockdown is finally over, for most of you, although you still have to have precautions. BUT YOU CAN GO OUT. You have to wear a mask and respect social distance as always. Most of the people watching will maybe get back to work, or stay with online work if you can and it's not esencial the street. Hope this news make happy your day. Thanks for watching CNN 10 ( that's what I watch at school) stay save!!

Cole and Lili had a big smile on their faces. Maybe the could go back to work. And just seeing some friends. They were most of the amazing news in that catastrophic year.

C: we can go out!!! Liii you could finally meet our family and friends!!!
Lia: I'm so excited!!
L: I am too.

They got out of bed and cleaned the apartment, beca it was a mess. They could go out and it wasn't an emergency. The first thing they did was going to the doctor, for an ultrasound. Lia dismissed come with them, because the virus was still there and the hospital was the cases spot.

- at the hospital-

Lili was nervous. Her first ultrasound. She was going to hear for the first time her baby's heartbeat. The best feeling ever. And Cole was there with her, supporting like it was his own baby, although it wasn't.

When te doctor called Lilis name, they got up and entered the room hand in hand. Something that wasn't supposed to happen was fans being there, which they were. And they took some pics of them holding hands at this exact place of the hospital, the pregnancy place. But that didn't bother them for now because they hadn't noticed anything.

As they entered the room they saw the exact same doctor who said to them about the baby. Lili got on the bed and laid down. Then she lift up her shirt leaving her tummy to the exterior. Cole still holding her hand, he squeezed it at the fact that he was nervous, could've been more than her, but it wasn't just for a bit.

While the doctor put the gel on her tummy and did the ultrasound, they heard the little baby's heartbeat. Their future baby's heartbeat. One of the reasons for them to live.

After the doctors appointment they went to get Lia. They told her everything and showed her some pics of her baby sister or brother. She was so excited.

Then they went to Lilis apartment and took a lot of her things because she was moving with Cole. They went home and stayed there for the rest of the day. Taking advantage of their family time before they would go back to work, something they didn't it was happening. And also didn't want for some reasons.

( sooo sorry for not posting yesterday. Hope you like it. Love y'all. Stay save )

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