Part 3

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Lili was at Mads. She didn't know what to do nor what to think. She was crying in Mads arms and she held Lili although she didn't know what was happening. She was holding her, that was a true friend.

M: it's okay Lils, shhh
L: It's not okay Mads...

She said sobbing. She was in pain. Mads didn't know what to do.

M: Do you want to tell me what's wrong?
L: It's C-cole....

She said with her voice breaking.

M: What happened with him, Lils?

She said with a soft voice trying to calm her, although she couldn't.
L: He c-h-e-

Mads didn't let her continue what she was saying, cause she knew exactly what happened now.

M: Oh baby. i'm sorry Lils you don't deserve this.

She hugged her tighter and then Mads noticed she was breathing heavily. Lili was having a panic attack.

M: Lili... breathe. Please breathe. Everything will be alright. Just follow my breathing. In and out, in and out.

After some minutes doing that Lili calmed a bit. Mads said everything would get better, but she didn't know that in fact it was less than a 10 % that everything would get better.

L: I'm sorry Mads.
M: for what ?
L: for coming here without saying anything and for wasting your time.
M: lils, what are you saying? you are my best friend, you aren't wasting my time.

Lili had already started crying again because Mads called her Lils and that was the name Cole used to call her. ( i'm sad ). And Mads was supporting her.

Some hours later Lili was calmed, just a bit and they were watching the news.

The news said that they couldn't go out because the virus was spreading very fast and it was dangerous. Where was Lili going to stay now? ( idk heheh )

Coles apartment.

After 10 minutes that Lili left he was still on the floor crying looking at the pics and also his phone, talking to someone. What was happening to him? If he really cheated would he feel that way or maybe.....

Love through lockdown - sprousehartWhere stories live. Discover now