Chapter 2: The Flash Part 1

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Barry Allen from 2020 arrived to the year 2014. To the year of the Particle Accelerator. To the year... he becomes the Flash. Or does he?

Barry Allen arrived in an alleyway in 2014. He was breathing heavily. "Wow! That always takes a lot out of me" he said. He quickly grabbed a newspaper to check to see he arrived at the at the right time.

He rushed to get some clothes and exited the alleyway after he catched his breath. He then stopped when he saw his 2014 version and Iris' walking together to his lab. He hid from them.

2014 Barry and Iris were having a conversation while walking to his lab. "So you excited about the Particle Accelerator being turned on?" asked an excited Barry. "Well you seem to be" she replied.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's supposedly could revolutionise modern science" Barry said. Iris then saw Eddie and squealed with excitement. She ran over and hugged him tight. "Hey, babe" she said. "Hey Iris" said Eddie.
"If you need me I'll be in my lab" said Barry. When the future Barry saw this, he ran over to Star Labs to do the deed.

He saw Caitlin, Cisco, Ronnie and... Harrison Wells a.k.a Eobard Thawne at this time. Barry then sabotaged the Particle Accelerator. Once he done this, he decided to enter the secret room Thawne had at this time.

Gideon then activated and spoke. "Hello, Mr Allen. Good to see you again". "Hello, Gideon. Um, in this time you told me that I created you. When do I and how did you end up with Thawne?" asked Barry. "Thawne stole me from you in the future and used me to hide him from Iris, Joe and Cisco" Gideon replied.

Barry then felt Thawne nearing this room. "Gideon, Thawne is nearly here. Can you tell 2014 version of me that I created you? Barry asked. Gideon replied with "Yes I will". Gideon then deactivated and Barry vibrated through the walls and escaped Star Labs.

But then he had another problem: there was no lightning. And he knew what that meant: If there is no lightning when the Accelerator explodes, he doesn't become the Flash. Barry knew he had to do something he's never done before: create lightning.

Barry started to sprint around the world over and over again then he released a lightning blast. But, it didn't do anything. Then he tried again. But it still didn't work. Then again and again and again. And every time nothing happened.

Barry started to cry. He was frustrated and sad. He was beginning to give up.
Until... someone appeared in front of him. It was a woman wearing a blue suit and a blue mask like the Green Arrow's. "Who are you?" Barry asked. "Who I am is not important. I'm here to help you, Barry" the person replied with a distorted voice.

Barry started to wipe away his tears and got up. The both of them started to run around the world in opposite directions. And at the same time... they both released powerful lightning blasts and aimed at the sky. And it worked. There was lightning! Barry started to laugh with happiness and joy.

"Who are you?" Barry asked once again. The woman answered with "Someone you'll know in the future".
The girl ran off into a portal. Barry had sabotaged the Particle Accelerator and created lightning for the first time. Then he heard the lady from the news live right now. He knew it was almost time. Star Labs was shaking like it was erupting. Before it was too late he decided to 2 things before he returned to the future.

Barry went to see his 2014 self who was in his lab. 2014 Barry was in his lab, looking for the real person responsible for his mother's death. Then a gust of wind entered his lab. He turned and was shocked.

"Who are you?" asked Barry's past. "I'm you from the future" replied future Barry. "Ho... time travels not possible!" past Barry exclaimed. Then future Barry explained why he was here.

"Something that is meant to happen right now is being erased from our timeline. But I fixed it" he explained. "Which was?" past Barry asked. "The Particle Accelerator was meant to explode and it didn't so... I had to sabotage it in order for it to explode" he replied. "Why would you do that?!" Barry asked, angry. "Because if it didn't... you wouldn't be the person I am. A hero who was just betrayed" he answered, trying not to cry.

Past Barry asked "What kind of hero am I in the future?". "That I can't tell you. But in order for you to become me, this needs to happen" answered future Barry. Past Barry was listening to his future and told him what he had to do.

Future Barry sped out the room and past Barry heard lighting. He then went to close the glass window above him. Before that, he saw Star Labs explode and the liquids floating out of the beakers. He looked up and... the lighting struck him. He fell back against the shelves and was covered in water and glass. Lightning coursed through his veins. Before Barry went back to the future, he decided to do something.

He ran around Central City and saved almost everyone who was affected by the explosion. The Mist, Tony the man could turn into metal at will, the man was also affected by lighting but in a bad way. He left the Brothers, Gorilla Grove, King Shark and Firestorm.

But he still had one more thing to take care of. While Barry, who was struck by lightning, was in the hospital, he texted Iris, Joe and Cisco to meet him at the roof of the hospital. Once they arrived, he was going to tell them everything.

"Barry... I thought you were in the hospital?" asked a confused Joe. "I know. I'm from the future. But you three should know about being from the future" he replied. The three of them looked at each other with concern. "That's right, I know. Let me tell you, us four were friends. Me and Iris got married. And then I found three of closet friends have lied to me since day one. Using me to get Thawne" Barry explained.

Iris, Joe and Cisco now had faces of worry with their secret about to be exposed. "A ten year old boy... who had just lost his mom and dad, you decide to take in and once he becomes a hero you use him to get to your enemy" Barry said with anger in his voice. "How did you find out?" Cisco asked. "It wasn't from you three. It was from Thawne. The man who you're trying to capture, the man who took my mom away from me!" Barry shouted. "Why are you telling us this?" Iris questioned.

"I'm telling you this because... I want you to go back to your own timeline and stay there. I have dealt with Thawne so many times and you have just stood there while I'm risking my life to take him down" he explained. "And just seeing you three, the ones who have betrayed me, makes me want to doing something which I'll probably regret" he added.

"What happens if we don't?" Joe asked. "Becuase if you don't... I'll drag you there myself" threatened Barry. After hearing this, Iris, Joe and Cisco returned to their own timeline, which caused Barry's future to be dramatically affected. But in a good way.

Barry then decided it was time to return to the future, the year 2020, where he saw a woman standing there, holding something. He slowly approached her with caution. Then, he suddenly got all these feelings of love, happiness and joy rushed into him. He smiled... then he saw her face and felt like he had loved her forever.

Back in the year 2014, Barry was in a coma. But... there was no one by his side. His father was in jail, Iris returned to the future with Joe and Cisco. It was empty. Then his heart rate started to increase, rapidly. Doctors and nurses rushed into his room, trying to save him. They were clueless, until there was one man who said "Excuse me, if you let me take care of him, I will save him". And that man, who was in a wheelchair, was Harrison Wells, a.k.a The Reverse Flash.

What will happen in this new timeline that future Barry created?

To be continued...

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