Drunken shenanigans

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Rebecca and Colby were at PC's locker rooms, preparing for taping tonigh RAW.

"Are you nervous?" He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"Just a little bit. You know that Stone Cold is one of the best wrestlers ever and to share a ring with him it's privilege." she turned her head and pecked their lips.

"But you change the history. You were in first ever Wrestlemania main event match, you are on the cover of 'WWE 2K20', on the cover of 'ESPN' should I continue?"

"No, I've got your point. But this is a dream comes true. I don't want to fuck up something."

"And you wouldn't. This is your moment, enjoy it."

"You are right." She spun around and passionately kissed him. He pulled her closer to him, his hands squeezed her butt. A moan escaped her lips. There was knock on the door and they broke the kiss.

"Come in." Colby said a little frustrated.

"Lynch, you are in 5 minutes." A producer said.


Colby watched Becky walking down the ramp, just like she always did. She was supposed to cut a promo before her segment with Stone Cold.

"Shayna, this one's for you, cuz I know you are watching, I know you are listening, I know you are lasered in on me. Because my mirror existence is drives you crazy. Because as long I'm holding this..."

"The Man's man." A male voice echoed through the Gorilla.

"Steve, nice to meet you man." Colby smiled and they shook hands.

"Your fiancée is on fire tonight, isn't she."

"Yeah, she is my spitfire."

"But I want you to do something you never do Shayna. I want you to think. And I want you to think of how it's gonna feel when I beat you. Because I watched you, I watched you demolish the entire devion in 'Elimination chamber' and it woke me up to a little bit of reality. But at Wrestlemania I'm gonna prove that your whole life is a lie and it's gonna hit you like a truck." She smirked and dropped the microphone. Becky went back to the backstage and saw Colby talking with Stone Cold.

"Steve..." she said and got closer to them.

"Hi to you, honey..." Colby said, pretending to be offend.

"Don't act like a little child Colby." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't want to cause a trouble in paradise. See you in the ring Irish. Pleasure to meet you, Rollins."

After Stone Cold delivered a stunner to Byron Saxton it was Becky's turn to appear again. She grabbed the white cooler, from the ground and turned around to give Colby a kiss.

"Have fun there. All the spotlights are for you tonight."

"Thank you, babe."


When Colby saw Becky's look, when she came back backstage he was sure, she is drunk.

"Colbyyyyyy." She squealed delightedly. She stumbled and Colby caught her before she fell.

"Woooow. Slow down honey."

"Did... did you watch me..."

"Of course honey. You two were amazing in the ring." Steve came too, with a big smile on his face.

"I think she drunk way too much. Maybe if she take a shower she would be more sober."

"Cooooolby, leeet's makeeeee... a BABY!" she was a bubbling mess right now. Steve chuckled as Becky reached for his belt.

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