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bedroom, nine am.


i fluttered my eyes open slowly, looking around until my eyes hit the bathroom. i see calum, bent over the toilet and throwing up.

as you might remember, i am very vomit sensitive so i quickly looked away and put my face into the pillow.


he kept throwing up and i groaned at the noise, hearing all movement stop until he cleared his throat.

"alexa? are you awake?"

i felt chills go up my spine once i heard him speak.

surely he doesn't remember what he said last night at all, right? so i just wont bring it up.

he doesn't try to talk after that. a couple minutes go by and i feel the bed go down a little as calum crawls beside me.

he hesitantly wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on my shoulder. soft breathing is all that you could hear.

his voice is raspy once he speaks. "lex?"

i don't want to speak. my awkwardness would just shine out and we wouldn't want that.

"please say something." he quietly begs. i start to feel bad and open my mouth to say something.


"can you look at me?"

i slowly turn and sit up, criss cross and face his pale face. his eyes search me for a reaction but i try not to give one.

"i'm sorry." he whispers, sitting up along with me. "i said stuff i shouldn't have last night, and i understand if you want to kick me out."

i furrow my eyebrows in confusion. kick him out?

"kick you out? are you insane?" i say, making direct eye contact with him.

he bites his lip, he studied my face for a second and shifts uncomfortably instead.

"i would never kick you out." i say, deciding to be the first to speak. "in fact," i gulp as i try to find the words to say. "someone who loves you, wouldn't kick you out."

he lets a smile tug on his lips. he looks down to his fidgeting hands and doesn't say another word.

"but to be fair, i didn't exactly hate the words that you spoke last night."

his eyes grew a little but wider, inching a little closer to my face. "you didn't?"

"no," i said, biting the inside of my cheek as i watched him inch a little bit closer.



"can i kiss you?"

and in a matter of seconds, i was kissing thee calum hood.

lonely heart, luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now