Chapter 28: New Roommate

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Crystals POV

It was Sunday morning so that means I'm going to move into the dorms today. I stood up straight and stretched my very sore muscles. And that's the last of it! I think...I glanced over to my digital alarm clock, 7:30 still pretty early. I scanned my belongings making sure I didn't miss anything. I'll just text mom and tell her I'm moving to the dorms. I got my phone out from my back pocket then dialed my mom's phone number.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Oh! Hi sweetheart! How's everything going?

Hi mom! things going great, I called to tell you that I'll be moving out of the condo.

Oh yes, your headmaster called me earlier and informed me of your moving to the dorms.

Wait, you're not going to ask why?

Well, I completely trust that you have things under control there, plus you will be safer there on campus. So I think it's best that you just go and move into the dorms.

But what if something bad happens because I moved.

Christy, I know you. You'll be just fine and if you do want to return to the condo then I'll have a talk with your headmaster about it. Does that sound good?

Yes mom, thank you so much!

Okay, I have to go now, sweetheart. I still have lots of things to do, call me okay?

Okay, mom, I love you

Love you too.

I hung up the phone then slipped it back into my back pocket. Welp, I guess we're really doing this, I just hope I won't have a stuck-up brat as my new roommate. And with that, I grabbed my two purple suitcases, my backpack, and my keys before leaving the condo and towards the school.


"Alright! And we are here!" Keene said as we both stood in front of the dorms.

"You excited to move in Crystal?" I took a good look at the whole building as my eyes wandered to the several windows on the side of the building.

"As excited as I'll ever be," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. It's not that I hate moving into the dorms it's just that I hate being around people. 

"Come on we can't keep your roommate waiting," Keene said before leading me through the halls of the dormitory doors on every side, it was quiet just how I like it. But the thing I was more curious about is who's my new roommate? After a few minutes of comfortable silence and passing multiple doors Keene abruptly stopped in from of a door.


A faint "come in" was heard from the other side of the door as Keene slowly opened the wooden door to reveal a familiar pink-haired girl. "Alright! Crystal this is your new dorm make yourself at home and Remi is your roommate from now on!" I let out a sigh of relief as the blonde guy said those words. Thank the heavens my roommate is someone I know!

Before I could set down my things I felt a pair of petite arms wrap around my shoulders like there's no tomorrow. "Crystal! So you're my new roommate? We're going to be the best roommates! " The girl said with a smile on her face a small smile made it to my face. 

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