Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Konohagakure

Several days passed and Naruto's injuries healed sooner than Tsunade had ever seen. It surprised her that the boy was already up and able to do anything without even whining in pain, not like Naruto even did. The boy was completely silent around everyone, all but Sakura.

Sakura had visited the blonde in his time in the hospital. She often saw the pinkette feeding the blonde and smiling at him. He often spoke to her and returned her smiles.

Tsunade had finished running tests on the blonde and smiled at him, "all right we're done here. You'll be discharged soon once I've finished these papers." Tsunade said and left the room.

Once Tsunade had left the room Sakura smiled, "this is great Naruto! You're finally going to be discharged!" She exclaims and jumps onto the blonde, hugging him tightly.

Naruto smiled at the pinkette's excited actions. "When we're done let's go eat. I'll introduce you to my friends too." She says and the blonde nodded.

"Ok." Naruto grinned.

Soon enough Tsunade finished the papers and gave the blonde the go that he was allowed to leave the hospital.

Naruto smiled as Sakura dragged him around the village. "There's this really good restaurant that we can eat at. My friends are already there too." She said looking back at him with a bright smile.

'Hey... doesn't he seem like the demon that was presumed dead twelve years ago?'

Naruto's eyes widened, he bowed his head and avoided eye contact from everyone around him. Sakura felt the whole atmosphere go down, she looked back a Naruto, seeing his hair shadowing his eyes.

She stopped walking and faced him, "is something wrong, Naruto?" She asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Nothing..." he muttered.

Sakura huffed and shook the blonde, "don't lie to me you idiot!" She exclaimed.

The blonde yelped at the sudden action, "o-ok! Ok! I promise it's nothing!" Naruto exclaimed in a pleading way to stop Sakura from shaking him further more.

Sakura sighed and stopped shaking the poor teen, "ok, if you say so." She said and grabbed his hand. "Alright! Let's go!"

Naruto walked along side Sakura, ignoring the gossips and glares the villagers sent him. They found out quicker than I thought... Naruto sighed and looked ahead of him.

Do you think that Fourth Bakage will find out too? Kurama asks. Naruto inwardly laughed. If he had forgotten about me then there's no way he'll remember me. Naruto answers.

Alright... just got a hunch though. Kurama says and yawns. Goodnight kit.

Nara fox. Naruto smiles.

"We're here!" Sakura exclaims and they enter the restaurant. Immediately Naruto see's people around his age laughing and talking. One boy, who's hair resembled a duck's ass turned to them.

"Sakura-chan's here!" Menma exclaims and rushes up to the pink haired Kunoichi. The red head immediately notices Naruto behind Sakura and how the two were holding hands.

You... he seems familiar... how dare he steal Sakura-chan! He grins at Sakura and sends a glare at Naruto. The blonde smirked and glared at him even more. "Don't think you can match me, Uzumaki-Namikaze." Naruto mouths.

Menma shivers at the cold, intense glare Naruto gave him. "U-Um... here! You guys can sit here." He says, motioning for them to sit in between Sasuke and Rock Lee.

Naruto sat next to Sasuke, while Sakura sat next to Rock Lee. Everyone introduced themselves to Naruto who merely nodded. "What's your name?" Neji asked.

"Naruto, just Naruto." The blonde answered grabbing a plate and putting his selection of foods on it.

Hours passed and Naruto somewhat enjoyed himself. It was full of laughter and fun. Something he hadn't experienced in awhile, and something he wished lasted forever.

Maybe once the Akatsuki are gone... I can finally be happy? Naruto thought and laughed at Choji who had decided to steal Ino's food.

Sakura smiled at Naruto. I'm glad he's enjoying himself. She thought.

"Oh, it's already late." Sasuke spoke up.

"Time flies by when you're having so much fun." Naruto mutters and chuckles. Sakura hears this and looks at him, a light shade of pink appearing on her cheeks.

His grin sent butterflies flying in her stomach and his kind, gentle yet mysterious blue eyes warmed her heart. Sakura turned away. What am I... no... Sakura huffed and pushed the thought to the back of her head.

"Hey Naruto do you have a place to stay tonight?" Sasuke asks.

The blonde freezes.

"No..." he trails.

"Well obviously he wouldn't have a place to sleep, he's been staying at the hospital since he arrived." Neji states and Naruto nods in agreement.

"Oh you can stay with me then." Sasuke offers. "I'm sure my parents won't mind... probably..."

"Isn't your dad kinda strict?" Menma asks.

Sasuke freezes, "true, true..." he trails.

"I'm sure it'll be fine... hopefully..." Naruto says.

"Gee how assuring, dobe." Sasuke says bluntly looking at the blonde chuckled. "Anyways! I don't care what my dad says. Let's go."

Naruto grins and leaves with Sasuke, bidding everyone farewell. "Thanks a lot for helping me Sakura-chan." Naruto grins and the pinkette smiles.

"No problem Naruto-kun." She says and watches as the two boys disappear in the distance.

Ino wriggled over to Sakura and looked at her with a lenny face plastered on her face. "You like him~" She cooed and wriggled her eyebrows.

"Shut it Happy, go back to eating your fish and simping for Carla." Sakura hissed and gathered her things. She bid her farewells to everyone and walked home, Ino's words echoing in her mind.

She looked up at the star-filled sky, her flashed to Naruto's oceanic blue eyes and bright grin. Sakura blushed and shook the thought out of her head. There's no way I'd like him. She huffed and rushed home.

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