Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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In a world far away from mother Earth, there was another Earth. This Earth was in a parallel universe so people living on them did not know about each other's existence.

The people living on these Earths might have the same appearance but they were different. On one of them, people had powers — Elemental Powers: Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning and Wind. This was the reason why this earth was known as Elemental Earth with Elemental Beings living there. The other Earth was called Human Earth.

It was believed that Elemental beings also came from the same place, which was the Human Earth, but as a few of them had powers, others became weaker than them. The world was under the storms of chaos, mighty were ruling Human Earth and the weaker were struggling for food and water.

But, then, a strong and wise man came and decided to help everyone. He had strange powers which were out of understanding even for the strongest Elemental Beings. This man was also the strongest of them all. He decided to separate the Elemental Beings from Humans. He created a portal and all the Elemental beings were migrated to another Earth in the Parallel universe. This Earth was later known as Elemental Earth.

He altered everyone's memories on both of the Earths, so no one ever could be sure how this happened. The only proof left were the notes and books written by the people before losing their memories. But most of them were burnt to maintain secrecy. Only a few people today knew this story.

It was said that the wise man lost his powers after altering memories of everyone. A huge task like that took a toll on his body. He was never seen again. But with the Law and Order, he had created, both the Earths were living their lives at peace.

But quarrels and wars were a part of human nature. A time came when that peace was lost and wars took place. When Human Beings and Elemental Beings were separated from each other, humans fought against other humans and Elemental Beings fought against other Elemental Beings. Almost like any other civilisation, this cycle of peace and war continued amongst these people for thousands of years.


On a no moon night, the sky was filled with dark storm clouds. Under this sky was a valley. And at the bank of the river, there was a house. It was worn out and broken from many spots. The condition was as if a serious earthquake had hit that place.

There was rubble from the broken ceiling on the floor of that house. A young man in his early twenties, named Drake Owens, walked through that rubble carefully, managing not to trip. He was a new Master — One of the seven who pledged to protect peace.

Master Owens reached a stairwell and climbed. The first floor was almost blown up. There was no ceiling, and more than half of the walls were gone. Master Owens walked into a room. An old man, appearing to be 70, was talking there with a woman. She seemed to be in her thirties.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, Master Ellendun," said Master Owens bowing down.

"It's not a problem, Drake," said Master Ellendun. Master Owens raised himself. The lady standing in the room had the same blue cloak on her shoulders. Master Owens bowed towards her and said, "Master Kirason."

"Get rid of the formalities, Drake," said Master Kirason. "I presume you know the reason for this destruction, don't you?"

Master Owens's face turned sad.

Master Ellendun walked towards the window in his long robes under his blue cloak. He said, "There is no need to be sad. We have to control our emotions as the world is still moving ahead and will never stop. We have to keep planning ahead."

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