Y/n was sat in potions class next to Hermione, her chin resting on her palm while she barely listened to Snape talk about a potion that y/n couldn't care about. No. Her main focus was on the blonde-headed boy who was sitting a few tables in front of hers.
She watched Draco scribbled in his book, also not paying attention to Snape, his bruised knuckles also resting on his cheek. Draco had been heartbroken, although not showing it. He had confessed his love for y/n in front of y/n, but he thought she hadn't felt the same. It took everything for y/n to say that she didn't love him.
Suddenly, the doors burst open, the students' heads snapping to look at who was barging in. Professor McGonagall's heels clicked as she stepped into the class.
"Professor Snape, May I have a word with Miss. Y/l/n and Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall spoke, Snape's eyes squinting at her as y/n looked at Hermione, her eyes wide as Hermione shrugged. Snape nodded, Y/n standing up and picking up her bag, Draco following suit. "Please, come with me." McGonagall continued, y/n gulping lightly as her and Draco followed her.
Draco looked at y/n for the first time today, hoping that she would glance at him, but she never did.
McGonagall lead them to her office where Cedric was sat, his nose red and his cheek bruised. They both sat down on the two remaining chairs that were left, McGonagall sitting at her desk, fingers interlocked as she stared them down.
"Who wants to tell me what happened yesterday?" Professor McGonagall ordered, y/n looking at the floor. She didn't have an answer.
"Well, Y/n and I were having a nice conversation and then Malfoy came along and decided to beat me up and then tell some sap story about love or something." Cedric pouted at the teacher, Draco scoffing and y/n rolling her eyes.
"That's bullshit." Draco muttered. "You went on about how 'easy' y/n must've been and how you just wanted to bang her." y/n gulped once again, fiddling with her fingers.
"I would never speak to anyone like that!" Cedric defended as both Draco and Cedric were just yelling over each other.
"Gentlemen!" McGonagall shouted, shutting the two men up. "Detention. All three of you. You three can wash up after dinner. I don't want to see behavior like this ever again. You may go." She squinted her eyes at the three, y/n standing up. "Stay Miss. Y/l/n."
Y/n furrowed her brows at Professor McGonagall, who was watching her. Y/n sat back down as the Draco and Cedric left the room.
"I've been interested to ask, what happened between you and Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall asked, y/n blinking at the teacher.
"Uhm." Y/n cleared her throat. She wasn't sure as to what to say. "We, uh, we got close and then he kissed someone else." Y/n blinked as McGonagall nodded her head.
"I always thought you two would be good together; since you both started, shame it had to go down like that." Professor McGonagall spoke, y/n pressing her lips into a flat line. "Is he sorry?"
"I don't- I haven't spoken to him." Y/n shrugged, once again playing with her fingers.
"You should speak to him." McGonagall suggested. "Only love would make someone that crazy. He almost broke Cedric's nose."
Professor McGonagall dismissed y/n. Y/n had thought about what her teacher had said. She wanted to talk to Draco, but she wasn't ready. She still wasn't able to get the image of Pansy and him kissing out of her head. She didn't trust him.
Time passed quick, and before they knew it, they were in the kitchen, y/n didn't want to be close to the two people she hated most.
"Alright, lets get this over with. I'll wash, someone dry, someone put dishes away." Y/n cleared her throat, walking over to the sink and flicking the tap on. She hoped that Draco didn't dry the dishes. "I don't want to be here longer than I have to."
Her hopes were crushed when she realized Draco was next to her, awaiting a wet dish, a towel in his hand. Y/n washed plates, handing them to Draco when what felt like the 50th plate, Cedric huffed and clicked his tongue against his teeth, pulling his wand out of his pocket.
Cedric waved his wand, dishes flying in the air, magically becoming clean before sorting themselves into their assigned cupboards and drawers.
"Okay, well, I have a Gryffindor party to get to, so thanks for that." Y/n muttered, leaving the kitchen. What y/n had needed most was a nice drink and maybe weed with the Weasley twins. She trudged up to the common room, grabbing a cup as soon as she walked in and downing it.
Draco was interested at the word 'party' somehow convincing his friends to gatecrash it. Draco and his friends entered the party, and immediately he saw y/n dancing with Harry and Ginny, clearly drunk. Somehow, no one noticed the Slytherin boys, and Pansy, who tagged along, hoping to fuck a Gryffindor.
Hermione spotted Draco and his friends, her eyes going wide, running from Ron to y/n who was drinking out a new cup of alcohol.
"Y/n!" Hermione spoke, y/n letting out a loud hum so Hermione could hear over the music. "Malfoy is here." Y/n froze, looking around before shrugging.
"He's not my boyfriend. He can do whatever he wants. I don't care anymore." Y/n slurred, drinking out of her cup once again. She cared but didn't want to. Not now, anyway. Hermione furrowed her brows and looked back at Draco who was leaning up against a wall, a drink in his hands and staring at y/n.
Hermione felt bad. She had never seen y/n this drunk before and she had never seen Draco act the way he was before. Hermione knew that he had hurt y/n, but she felt she was wrong for acting the way she did when she found out about y/n and Draco. She still hadn't told y/n about her and Ron. She was being a Hypocrite.
Hello Darlings!! I am thinking of renaming this story, what do you all think??

Us. (DracoXReader) 16+
FanfictionFollow the love story between Draco and you. Will you make it out together?? (This story does not revolve around Harry Potter or the golden trio. This story is based on Draco and the reader (Y/N) although the golden trio may be mentioned at some po...