Random videos

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Hey guys, so while we all wait for me to get my shit together and finish my school work and can finally start working on this, here's just an assortment of videos I'd like to share with you all

The first is a video by Smosh, a much older video done by them before they did the 'every ___ ever' things that they do nowadays.

Ah, you just don't see shit like this on Youtube anymore do you?

Next up I've got a question for you, do you like llamas? do you like hats? do you like...llamas with hats? if so then you should definitely watch this video...it's totally not dark or messed up or anything.

Dang...you gotta wonder how the hell someone comes up with something like this- I mean oh what a wonderfully 'Not' messed up series.

Now then you all are probably hoping for something wholesome right now right? well then look no further than this.

Aw how adorable...Ok, enough Wholesome let's watch something else...hmm..how about a fat angry Scottish man yelling and cursing people out?

Damn that guy needs to chill out.

This next one is pretty self-explanatory.

Alright, I'll place one more video in here, and then that's it, this one is a little comic dub that I think a rather select audience will enjoy, depends if you hate bugs or not.

Alright, and now with this, I wish you all a good day and enjoy reading all my other stories, bye-bye for now.

Random Male reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now