Dare Not Say

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It was as If I were being watched every second I stood, Bellatrix finally took her seat back at the table after she interrogated me, I knew she couldn't do much, she was an accomplice to the dark lord, she didn't have nearly as much power, no, she did whatever the dark lord asked of, everyone did.

Well most people did.

"You know Narcissa--how's it feel, I mean your own son goes against--well its truly agonizing isn't it--"  said Bellatrix as she fiddled with her wand, whilst Narcissa didn't give a straight response, she kept her gaze fixed on her crossed hands that rested on the table, she was worried about Draco, nothing else, it was as if she lived to protect him, she had no choice, Lucius always did the very opposite.

"Your right--Id like a word with the filth that ran loose with my son--" Narcissa said breaking the dreadful silence that overwhelmed the room, I honestly couldn't tell if she was acting in character, she put on a good front.

"Looks like someone made mother mad--"  said Bellatrix with a wide spread grin, as Narcissa rose from the table, took hold of my wrist and brought me to another room further away from the rest.

"I had to get you out of there, for at least a slight second--"  she said as she looked around wearily, she whispered as if the walls that closed in could hear, yet it was her house.

"Ive been closely following the dark lords words in the meetings, he hasn't made his plan clear but I fear it is not going to do you and Draco well-" 

"Where is he--Draco, where did he take him-"

"The dark lord requested to speak to Draco alone, completely alone-I assumed he went to isolate him in one of the cellars--" 

"But I was just in the cellar with Pansy--"

"Aurora, this is a big place you'd be surprised how many cells lie beneath--" 

"Its unfortunate to say, but the situation fights against you both-"  she says, whilst she looks at me with sympathy, and I returned it, her nerves practically radiated from within.

"In the very least whatever the outcome may be--me and Snape, we tried, we really did, we tried to put off the death eaters searches--we tried to hide the two of you, but things like these, well the fate sets, I'm afraid not much can be done--"  she was far too convincing.

"Narcissa, where's Adrian, I'm sure the dark lord spoke something of his name--"  her expression turned almost frozen, everyones did when Adrian was brought up.

"Adrian--yes, he displayed the most foolish sight to see, he wouldn't even comply to the littlest command the dark lord had ordered, I'm sorry to say I don't see hope for him--"  she said as everyone had, I couldn't help Adrian if he had already done the damage, especially since I had no clue as to where he was.

"We must get back, we've been out too long--"  with that we made our way back to where they sat, it was no time before the dark lord were too arrive, the question was, will Draco follow behind.

"Adrian--you could tell, he would do absolutely anything but dark work-"  she said as she stopped and looked at me for a quick moment before we carried on. Adrian always valued what he believed was right, and working for the darkness most definitely wouldn't sit right with him, in a sense he felt as he had no choice.

We made our way back to where they all sat, the dark lord had yet to arrive.

"Bellatrix, have you heard word-"  Narcissa asked as she took her seat back next her.

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