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It was probably 12 am Jeno came downstairs for a midnight snack. This is something he has often done back at his own home. 

The only problem here is that he doesn't know where the kitchen is. Upon this realization, he dragged himself back up the stairs.

Then, another idea struck him. He started running up to the fourth floor to get Jaemin. 

The younger was sound asleep when Jeno opened the door. He slowly approached the sleeping male and shook him awake.

"The hell do you want?" He groaned as he sat up in bed.

He was met with Jeno clad in his pajamas. He blushed when the said pajamas were only comprised of a pair of shorts.

"I'm hungry and I want snacks."

"I know I'm a snack, but go get something else."

"I don't know where the kitchen is. Show me."

Jaemin groaned. "Of course you don't know where the kitchen is." He grumbled angrily to himself.

Reluctantly, Jaemin got out of bed and headed downstairs with Jeno behind him. He took a right from the stairs and headed down a hallway.

He told Jeno to stop walking when he saw an unfamiliar figure by the door to basement. He took out his gun and Jeno nearly screamed.

"You sleep with your fucking gun?!" He shouted. At full volume.

Jaemin facepalmed that was sure to wake someone up. "Yes, now shut the fuck up."

He slowly approached the thing that was lying on the floor. He saw the knife first.

He walked back to Jeno and turned on the lights and gasped. "Go get the Hyungs!"

Jeno nodded and ran back up the stairs and Jaemin ran to Doyoung. He flipped him over onto his back and checked for a pulse.

He sighed in relief when he felt one. Doyoung was covered in blood but Jaemin knew it wasn't his own.

"What the hell do you need, Jeno?!"

Jeno ran back downstairs with Yuta and brought him to where  they found Doyoung. When Yuta saw Doyoung he ran to him. 

"What happened to him? Is this his blood?"

"I don't know and no, this isn't his blood." Jaemin answered. "You need to bring him to the first floor, go down the hallway on the right. Our med center is the fifth door."

Yuta nodded and picked up the unfortunately light Doyoung bridal style and carried him there. 

Jeno patted Jaemin and pointed to the trail of blood leading out of the basement door. They made eye contact and nodded, both getting the same idea.

They went downstairs and gasped when they entered the room. There was blood all over the floor. Some even hit the walls.

There was a body on the floor. If they hadn't known there was a girl here, they wouldn't have been able to tell. Her hair was cut as well as the rest of her. She lay there motionless. 

Jeno clung onto Jaemin. It was a horrific sight and he couldn't take it. He could look at blood, he could kill, but something like this was just something he couldn't deal with.

Jaemin had done something almost worse, so this didn't affect him as much. He could feel Jeno tense against him. 

He whispered let's go to Jeno and brought him upstairs again. 

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