Chapter Two

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"Huh!",he loudly sigh while dropping the last box that he carried up stairs to his old room. Then without a care,he drop his body on the bed,he feels exhausted with the moving.

He turned his head when he heard a knock on the open door.

"Tired?",his sister ask and handing him a glass of water,then she sit beside him.

"You have no idea,I feel like my bones become jelly now",he said and he slowly sit and took the glass from her.

"Well, I told you to hire people who can help you in moving,but you refuse,so you have yourself to blame",she said while pointing a finger on him.

"I know,it's just that hiring them is too expensive",he said after he finish the whole glass of water.

"It's not that expensive you know,your just being stingy",she said jokingly.

"I'm not,Im just being practical, besides I already told you the second reason why I agreed to move back is to re-open the bake shop,that's why I'm saving",he said.

"Yeah I know,, anyway,you can rest now,let's do the unpacking tomorrow", she said and she raffles his hair while standing up.

"Phi not the hair!!",he said then he swat her hands.

She just laughed while teasing him,,she miss him so much and she's happy that he's finally back and hopes that he'll stay for a long time.

When she stop on messing with his hair,he lie again but he remembers what she said.

"Your going to help me unpacked?"

"Yeah, you're lucky because I don't have class tomorrow".


"Goodnight Nong!,(I miss you)",her sister said and she closed the door on her way out.

"I miss you too",,he said to himself and then he drifted to sleep because of exhaustion.


Even though he still feels exhausted from yesterday's moving,he still choose to wake up early to start unpacking his stuff. After taking a shower,he got down to make breakfast for him and his sister.
Aside from reading and baking, cooking is one of his favorite thing to do, specially if he's stressed.

Their parents are currently on vacation to celebrate their 32years wedding anniversary,so they still don't know that he's back home after 5years of staying in Thailand.

He still tease his parents by calling them half breeds until these days and  calling himself and his sister hybrids   kids. And it doesn't fail to put a smile on their parents face.

Their dad is Thai-American,born and raised in Thailand but moved to U.S when he's 15, while their Mom is Fil-American,also born and raised in Philippines and move to U.S when she's 12.

And they both believe in destiny because they became neighbors and goes to the same school and then their love story begin.

While growing up,their parents made sure that they know everything about their families on both sides. Every holiday they visited Thailand and Philippines to meet everyone,so they both know how to speak Thai and Tagalog.

**So all words that in () is Thai language because I don't know how to speak Thai,so let's just assume 😁😁✌️,,and all words that in {} is Tagalog**

He's almost done with everything when his sister entered the kitchen.

"Morning", he greet her while he's taking out the sliced bread in the toaster.

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