Merry Christmas [19]

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Kennedy grimaced as she saw Jon get suplex by Brock on the monitors as her father laid on the outside of the ring.

"Someone please check on my dad and check on Jon." She spoke into the headset continuing to watch the TLC pay-per-view.

It was dangerous enough that her father was going to fight Brock, but adding her boyfriend into the mix was not something she wasn't too fond of. She expected an a straightforward beat down, but not to this intensity.

"Jon, are you okay, squeeze my hand." One of the refs said as he knelt down to check on the superstar. Kennedy watched the monitors as Jon nodded and squeezed the refs hand, letting him know that he was okay.

"He's alright Kennedy, how much time left for the match?" The ref asked through the headsets.

"10 minutes, tell Brock to cool it with the suplexes." Kennedy cautioned, and the ref nodded, going back to the match.

Kennedy watched on with anticipation as Brock lifted her father up for an F5, but Jon was able to slide in and take advantage, pushing her dad off his shoulders and planting Brock with Dirty Deeds to pick up the victory.

"Yes!" She murmured with a smirk on her face as the referee rose his arm in victory.

"Go on Kennedy, go out there and congratulate him." Her grandfather encouraged as he pulled off his headsets.

Kennedy nodded, getting up from her seat and smoothing out her dress as she walked through the curtain with a big grin on her face while she clapped and made her way towards the ring. Jon smiled up at her through the clear agony and wrapped his arms around her small figure as she rushed up to him, pulling him into a kiss that the fans loved.

"You did amazing, I love you." She whispered as she cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.

"I love you too, doll." He said pulling away to wrap his arm around her shoulders as they exited the ring, Kennedy practically guiding his body up the ramp.

She turned her head to look towards her father that was lying on the floor shaking her head as she continued to head towards the back with Jon. Now was where the real storyline action would take place.

Once they reached the back, gorilla was filled with claps and congratulatory words as all the present superstars and management gave Jon a pat on the back for his excellent performance tonight. Soon her father strolled in as well, greeted with the same energy.

"You did awesome dad." Kennedy smiled, giving her dad a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Kenny. Have you heard from your mother?" Kennedy nodded and held up her phone.

"She's pretty bummed that she couldn't be here tonight, but she said that her and the girls loved the match so much." He smiled and ruffled her hair, turning his attention to Jon.

He stuck his hand out, and Jon shook it with a grin. "Great match out there, Jon. I'll see you two back in Hartford?"

Kennedy nodded and hooked her arms with Jon's "We're flying in on the 23rd just in time for Christmas, Jon and I are going to spend the next few days in Las Vegas beforehand."

"Sounds good, you take care of her Jon." Paul pointed and he nodded his head again before the couple headed to the locker room, allowing Jon to clean up before their flight to Nevada.

As Kennedy and Jon finally arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada, she enjoyed the warmth of the sun falling onto her skin. Usually she'd be back home in Hartford, where snow fell constantly during the winter time, so she would definitely enjoy this weather now.

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