Chapter 31

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Journal Entry #15

Long time no talk. Let me tell you why. Shit is absolutely crazy right now, and I'm trying not to freak out. I've been calm this entire time, but now that I have time to think of everything, nothing feels real. I probably shouldn't write this in here, but honestly, I don't even care anymore. Carrow is DEAD. Killian Arnault killed him right in front of me. His fucking blood was on me. So yes, my suspicions of Killian being a killer were correct. But he kinda has a good reason...I guess? The people that he is after are responsible for his parents' death, and they kill innocents. So I guess it's not that bad since he's killing killers? As I said, nothing feels real. The fact that those words are coming out of my mouth, being written on paper, is absolutely mind-boggling. Now the people from the organization or whatever it's called are after us, and we're currently in a freaking motel, a dingy one at that, hiding out until his friend comes to help us out. It's a lot to process, and I have no idea what's going to happen next, so I wi-

"Scarlett, get ready. We're going out." Killian interrupted my writing, and I looked up, confused. 

"Where are we going?"


I nodded, turning back to my journal. I wasn't going to argue with breakfast.

I will keep you updated, and Killian just told me to get ready so that we can go out for breakfast, so I'm gonna sign off here, and hopefully, I'm able to update you later. 

As always,

Scarlett Edwards 

I put my journal back in my duffel bag and got ready, putting on a turtleneck and jeans, and soon we were on the road.

"So, why are we going out if earlier you said that it wasn't safe," I asked him after he continued to look around for someplace to eat without talking to me.

"Trust me. It's worth the risk. Plus, I can tell you don't really do well with being cooped up," he responded, glancing at me with raised brows. I nodded. He was right about that one. 

"So you're doing this for me."

He laughed at my words and shook his head. "This is actually for me, I'm starving, and the motel food is disgusting."

"That, I definitely agree with. So what's the plan now then? We go to breakfast, a friend picks us up later, and then what?" I asked, changing the subject. He pressed his lips together, knuckles flexing on the steering wheel. I titled my head at the action. "You don't have one, huh?"

He blew out a breath. " I do. I'm just not sure if I want to include you or not. It's too dangerous."

I started laughing, clutching my chest as I did. He glanced at me with a confused look on his face. "It's too late. You literally killed Carrow right in front of me. I'm too deep into it now. If you ever try to dump me to the side and leave me in the dust, I will expose you to the authorities." I threatened him, hoping I sounded convincing enough. I doubted I would go to the authorities, but he didn't have to know that. 

It was his turn to laugh. "You mean to tell me you would rat me out for what I do if I don't include you in my illegal doings?" 

"Yes, exactly."

He shook his head, mouthing the word wow. He glanced at me with a smirk on his face. "You are so different."

"Eh, maybe I'm just damaged. Whatever you want to go with." I shrugged, and my answer made him scrunch his brows, but he didn't say anything. He continued to drive until he turned into a parking lot. It looked like a shady place, the building run down with its paint peeling. It didn't even have a sign that I could see with the name on it. Killian began to unbuckle, and I looked at him incredulously. 

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