36 | uncertainty

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I feel so unprepared



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Upstairs. About thirty minutes ago . . .

Talia huffed as Rebekah grabbed her clothes and shoved them into a bag to carry next door.

"Bekah?" Talia asked.

Rebekah paused for a minute and inclined her head.

"I am scared." Talia whispered.

Rebekah put down the armful of shoes she had and went over to Talia.

"I know Kol wants more but I don't want to go that fast. I mean sharing a room?" Talia paced as she spoke.

"Talia." Rebekah grabbed her shoulders and held her in place. "It is just sleeping in the same bed. That's it. That is all you have to really do in there. Answer this, how well did you sleep when you slept in the same bed as him?"

Talia blinked as she thought back. "Really well."

"There you go. You slept great with him. If he ever does something you are not ready for, tell me and I will have Elijah talk to him." Rebekah answered.

Talia laughed. "I think Elijah would kick his ass for doing that to me."

Rebekah smiled. "You would be surprised. Looks like you really don't know everything." Rebekah went back to moving Talia's things.

Talia was shocked. "What do you mean?"

Rebekah smiled secretly and just kept moving clothes. She then frowned. "Are you kidding me!?"

Talia jumped. "What?"

"We now have to get three complete wardrobes." Rebekah said.

Talia grinned. "Put it this way. We can have a girls day. Go out, do some shopping, have some lunch, more shopping and then we can either have a night in, or a night out at a club." Talia then frowned. "Matty is fifteen, though. I think we would have to keep it in for a few years. But then, we can go clubbing."

Rebekah smiled and opened her mouth to speak. She was interrupted by two ear piercing screams.

Talia went white as a ghost. "Matty! Jordan!" Talia used her vamp speed to run downstairs. What she saw made her gasp in shock.

In the kitchen. About ten minutes before Matty and Jordan's screams . . .

Niklaus hummed as he took the roast he made for Talia out of the oven. Talia looked exhausted. He knew that she had never had good dreams when she was here. He hoped that staying with Kol will help her. Nik loved his family and wanted to keep them close and happy.

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