Mark Jefferson is pregnant again

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Today my daddy is not feeling well and he is throwing up this morning. He thinks he might be pregnant again. So he gets a pregnancy test out of the box and starts taking the test in the bathroom. I started to cry from him to come and get me out of my crib. Once he gets done he washes his hands and comes in my room and picks me up and holds me close.
"Dada." I said sounding super sad.
"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked me.
"I ick." I said to him.
"Your sick huh baby." He said to me.
I lay my head on his shoulder and I burymy face in the crock of his neck. He held me and went to go see the results of his test. The results were positive.
"Your going to be a big sister baby girl." He said to me.
I buried my face in the crock of his neck and cried because I didn't feel good.
"Come on baby girl let's go sit in the recliner princess." He said as we were sitting down in the recliner. He laid me in his chest and I was still crying loudly.
"Shh princess shhh daddy's got you know baby girl shhh daddy loves you baby Shh baby you can sleep know." He said to me as I feel asleep. He had already seen a doctor about prenatal care and talks to principal Wells about keeping me.

Mr Jefferson MpregOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora