Principal Wells goes into labor

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Today was kind of a normal day because me and daddy were cuddling because I just had a separation anxiety attack again. Principal Wells was over at our house because he might go into labor any day now and my daddy had all the stuff he needed to take him to the hospital. We were cuddling in the recliner and he was rocking my back and forth saying soothing words to me. Principal Wells kept getting these pains in his stomach and he thought they were Braxton Hicks contractions but they got closer together until his water broke and my daddy noticed it and got him in the passenger seat and me in my car seat with his breastfeeding blanket, some diapers and wipes, and his wrap.He got in the driver's seat and drove off.
The whole way there and until I was back in his arms and being cuddled by him.
"Shhhh baby girl we are almost there and then you can get back in daddy's arms shhh." He said to me.
"How did you do this Mark? Raymond Wells asked him as he was getting another contraction.
"I just focused on my breathing and having Jessica in my arms." He said to him.
Principal Wells did exactly just that.
Once at the hospital he got of the driver's seat and went to where I was at and he picked me up and wrapped me to his chest. He picked my diaper bag and principal Wells' stuff and got him out of the Passenger side and wheeled him inside. Once there the nurses and doctors get him in his hospital room so he can push and me and my daddy get escorted to the waiting room. I was still crying a little bit in his arms because I was tired. He took me out of his wrap and put me in his arms. He stood up and began bouncing me up and down on his hip.
"Shhhh princess you can go to sleep now it's okay your okay princess Daddy's got you shhhh." He said to me as I fell asleep in his. A couple of hours later we were taken to Principal Wells' room to meet his baby girl Avianna. When we got there we saw him holding her and doing skin to skin with him. We stayed and talked for a while and then we left. The next day he got to come home and we took him back to his house and then we went home and cuddled some more.

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