I get ear tubes

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Today we had to wake up early in the morning because I was going to have surgery to get ear tubes put in my ears. We got ready that morning and he already had the diaper bag in the car and my car seat in the car already. He had his wallet and keys in his pocket and his shoes on. He carried me in his arms to the car and got me strapped in my car seat. On the way to the hospital I started crying because I was tired and I wanted my daddy to pick me up and cuddle me. I cried all the way to the hospital. Once he got parked at the hospital and he got my diaper bag out he got me out of the car seat and in his arms. I fell asleep once I was in his arms. He got me checked in and stuff. We sat down in the waiting room chairs. He sat there rubbing my back with his hand. The doctor finally called me back. We went back there and he sat me down and I started crying because I wanted to go back in his arms. They got my height and weight. I was changed into a hospital gown. He sat on the hospital bed and I was already given anesthesia. He was rubbing my back with his hand until I feel asleep. Once I was asleep he put me on the hospital bed and I was taken back for surgery. 15 minutes later I came out of surgery. My daddy was brought inn there. He changed me out my hospital gown and back in my daddy's princess onesie. I woke up and started crying for my daddy to pick me up and hold me in his arms. He picked me up and put me in his arms and he laid there in the hospital with me on his chest and my pink blanket with my initials on it. I was still crying a little bit getting his  shirt wet.
"Shhh princess daddy's got shhh your okay Shh no one is going to hurt you shhh I got you know Shh you can go back to sleep shhh." He said to me while rubbing my back. I fell asleep with my daddy rubbing my back. We went home and he fed me his milk when I woke back up. After he burped me and changed my diaper we did skin to skin with me laying on his chest and my blanket around us. He rocked me in his chest and we both fell asleep holding each other.

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