I get the flu

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Today I woke up crying really loudly for my daddy because I was hot and I didn't fell good and I just wanted my daddy to hold me in his arms. Mark Jefferson comes in and he picks me up out of my crib and holds me in his arms as he feels my forehead. It felt hot to him.
"Shhh princess shh baby girl shhh You must feel really bad don't you huh baby girl."Mark said to me as we went to the kitchen and got the thermometer. He placed the thermometer on my head and checked my temperature. My temperature was 99.9. He put the thermometer down and called the doctor to make me an appointment. He calls principal Wells to come and watch Garnet while he takes me to the doctor. He gets himself ready to go then he gets me  ready to go. He sits in the recliner with me on his chest after he has his shoes on and he is rocking me while rubbing circles in my back to soothe my cries.
"Shh princess it's okay shhh I know you don't feel good Shh baby girl daddy has you shh your okay shh  I'm right here baby girl Shh." he said to me. Principal Wells shows up to watch Garnet. Mark grabs my diaper bag and his car keys and wallet and he puts me in the car and he drives to doctors office. When we get there he gets me out of the car and my diaper bag out and we go in and he signs me in. We sit done in the hair in the waiting room. I cling to my daddy as he holds me close to him. We get called back a while later and they get my height and weight and I'm in my daddy's arms when the doctor comes in.
"Why seems to be the problem with Jessica?" The doctor asked my daddy.
"Well she woke up this morning crying and she was hot, has a runny nose,coughing and she throw up."Mark told the doctor as he held me in his arms.
"She has the flu Mark."The doctor told him.
We left after that and went home where my daddy could cuddle me in his arms. Principal Wells took Garnet to his house so she wouldn't get sick and I stayed at home with my daddy. I started crying really loudly cause I hurt all over and I just wanted to be cuddled.Mark Jefferson came in their and picked me up in his arms and he held me in his arms and we went and sat in the recliner and he started rocking me to soothe my cries before he fed me his milk.
"Shh princess it's okay daddy's here shh daddy's got you baby girl shh princess it's okay shh I know you don't feel good baby girl shh I know it shh it's okay shh your okay shh baby shh Shh." He said to me as I looked up at him with tears clinging to my lashes as he breastfed me. After I got done eating he burped me and spit up a little bit and I started to scream and cry in his arms. He quickly put me on his chest and he sat back and stared rocking me to sleep.
"Shh princess it's okay shhh baby girl shh your okay Shh I know you don't fell good Shh princess daddy's got you Shh princess shh."He sis to me as I fell asleep in his arms while he wiped the tears that clung to my lashes. He gets up out of the recliner and changes his shirt and he changes my outfit and my diaper. We went to bed that night and I woke up a few times not feeling good and I just wanted my daddy. After a couple of days I felt better and Garnet came back home and we all we're that I wasn't sick anymore.

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