My first steps

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Today was another easy going day. I was crawling around the floor to wherever my daddy was standing. I was giggling every time he would move and I would start crawling to him. He just so happened to walk to the kitchen. I was tired of crawling on my hands and knees so I grabbed the edge of the couch pulled myself up and balanced myself on my feet and began walking to him. He heard me coming to him.
"Dada Dada Dada Dada!!!" I screamed walking to him. He looked at me and saw me walking to him and he stopped down to my level and was ready to pick me up with arms wide open.
"You got it princess." He told me.
When I finally got to him he picked me up and held me in his arms. I walked to him all day and I was happy once I got towards him.

Mr Jefferson MpregTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon