He finds out the gender

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Today principal Wells came over to watch me while my daddy goes to the doctor for his 7 month check up and to find out the gender of the baby. He got ready to go and then he put his shoes on and went to the doctors office without me and I didn't like that at all. I cried and principal Wells held me as I cried for my daddy to come back. Meanwhile my daddy gets to the doctors and he is already back there seeing the doctor for his check up. Today he is going to find out the gender of his second child.
"You are having another baby girl." She said to him.
He got done with his check up and he was getting in his car and he called principal Wells to check on me while he was on his way home
"Hey Raymond how's Jessica doing?" He asked as he was driving.
"Hey Mark. Jessica is crying for you and she won't take a nap for me all I can do is sit here and hold her as she cries for you and it breaks my heart to hear her cry for you and I can't give you to her to make it better." He said as he was trying to calm me down.
"I'm about to pull in the driveway bye." He said to him as he was pulling in the driveway and parking the car.
"Ok bye." He said to him as they hung up the phone.
"Shh Jessica your daddy's coming in the house shhh." He said to me as I cried and screamed very loudly for my daddy. Mark walks in the house and sets his stuff down. Principal Wells handed me to him so he could rock me and calm me down. He carried me to the rocking chair and sat down in it and he laid me on his chest the best he could and started to rock me and rub my back soothingly. I was still crying because I was sleepy.
"Shh princess your okay shhh daddy's got you know baby shhh princess shhh daddy's sorry baby shhh shhh you can go to sleep princess daddy will be right here holding you when you wake up baby shhh princess Shh daddy loves you baby girl shhh your safe in daddy's arms shhh your in daddy's arms know princess Shh."he said to me as I fell asleep in his arms.
"Do you know what you're having Mark?" Principal Wells asked him as he was getting ready to leave.
"I'm having another baby girl." He said to him.
"That's good. I'm going home Mark I will see you later." He said heading towards the door.
"Bye Raymond." He said to him while he was still rocking my sleeping form.
"Bye." Principal Wells said going out of the door.
I took a long nap in my daddy's arms and we cuddled the rest of the day after we ate lunch.

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