Mark Jefferson goes into labor

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Today Mark woke up feeling something unusual and he just passed it off as Braxton hicks contraction not real contractions. I started to cry for him to come in there and pick me up and cuddle me like he always does. He came in there and picked me up out of the crib and into his arms. We went into the living room where he called principal Wells to come over and stuff. He felt another pain in his stomach that made him wince in pain. I cried at my father's discomfort. He went and we sat down in the recliner I still was crying because my father was in pain. 

"Shh baby girl I'm okay know baby girl your baby sister just wants out of daddy that's all princess shhh daddy loves you baby girl." He said to me as I fell asleep on him. Principal Wells finally shows up and he gets his car all packed so we can go to the hospital. He got another pain in his stomach and the a gush of fluids came out signaling that his water broke and we need o get to the hospital know. We get out to his car and we goto the hospital. I stayed asleep the whole way there and into the hospital. The nurse  told my daddy that they need him to go back to the room with them and to give me to principal Wells so he can go have my little sister. Once he gave to principal Wells and he gave my diaper bag to him and I woke up and couldn't see my daddy and smell his scent I started to scream and cry for him to come back to me. Principal Wells tried to calm me down so I can go back to sleep but that did not help at all. 

"Shh baby girl I know you want your daddy but I can't give him to you snd I know you really miss him and I wish that I could give him to you but I can't right know princess shhhh shhhh." He said to me as I cried and screamed louder for Daddy to come back to me.

Meanwhile in the delivery room.....

"One more push an d you will have your baby girl in your arms." The doctor said as he caught the baby.

"Ahhh!!!!!!!"Mark screamed as he pushed her out along with the after birth.

"What are you goin to name your second Mark?" The doctor asked him while.e cleaning her up.

"I'm going to name her Garnet Enis Jefferson." he said as they handed Garnet to him.

"I will go and collect your friend and your other Daughter because I can hear her crying for you." He said  as he went to come and get us.

Back in the waiting room the doctor comes and get me and principal Wells to go and see my daddy.

"OK you guys can come and see  Mark so he can calm her down." The doctor said as he took us back there to see my daddy and baby sister. We walked for a while until we got to his room.

Once we were in his room I started crying louder until I was in my daddy's arms again. He took me from principal Wells and he calmed me down.

"shh princess daddy's her baby girl and I won't ever leave you again shhhh baby you can go back  to sleep know baby girl shhh." He said to me as I fell asleep in his arms again and held on for dear life.

"She cried for you the whole time Mark and I feel so bad that I couldn't make you appear to take her in your arms." He said to him as he sat down my diaper bag and got read to leave and go home for the night.

"I know you did Raymond I felt bad that I couldn't come in there to make it better and cuddle her because she will never let me go." He said as he rocked me side to side and kissed my head and cuddled me into his chest. 

"I know but I ned to get going so I can get my daughter from my mom before she cries for me." He said as he went out the door.

"Bye Raymond see you tomorrow." Mark said as he was getting ready to go to sleep. 

"Okay bye Mark." He said to him as he left to go home.

We all slept the whole night and tomorrow we all would go home and it would all be ok again.

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