Daddy's girl

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Today I was being a clingy baby and a daddy's girl. I start to cry for him to come and pick me up. He comes in there from the bathroom and picks me up and puts me on his hip. I was still crying a little because I was tired. We went in the living room and we sat in the recliner. He started to rock me and talk to me softly.
"Shhh princess I got you baby girl shhh it's okay baby girl shhh you can go to sleep baby girl shhh." He said to me as fell asleep on his chest. He got up and put me in the baby carrier on his chest and did whatever he needed to get done around the house. I was happy and sleeping in his arms. All I wanted was my daddy. I didn't care what time of day it was if I wanted my daddy I got my daddy because i am his only princess and a daddy's girl. I will forever be his baby girl and princess. Wherever my daddy is  I  am right there with him. I was almost always in his arms. I love him and he loves me. We make each other happy.

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