The Prescotts

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Today Sean Prescott and his son who is the same age as me come over so that me and Nathan can play together. I am in my daddy's arms right now and Garnet is in her crib in the living room. We hear the doorbell. My daddy goes and answers the door and he invites the Prescotts inside. Sean sits Nathan down on the floor and my daddy sits me in the floor beside him and we play together. Our dads talk while we play and Garnet starts crying to be fed. Mark goes and picks her up out of the crib and he feds her his milk form the bottle and after she ate he burped her and changed her diaper and she went back to sleep.
"Hey Mark. How are you feeling after having Garnet?" Sean said to him.
"I feel fine. I'm still a little bit sore down there but other than that I feel fine."Mark said to him. They talked to each other while me and Nathan played. I crawled over to my daddy and I pulled myself up on his legs and I started to fuss a little bit and held up my arms and Nathan did the same to his dad. They picked us up and Nathan stopped fussing.
"What's wrong princess huh baby girl it's okay shhh."He said to me and I stopped fussing.
"Does she have separation anxiety from you?"Sean asked him.
"Yeah she does."Mark said as he rocked me in his arms.
"Nathan has it too."Sean said as he held Nathan.
They talked for a while and then the Prescott's left and me and my daddy cuddled for the rest of the day.

Mr Jefferson MpregOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora